Eurocratic problems (WEEE)

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Feb 12, 2014
Exeter ,Devon ,U.K.
I have just lost two of my best contributers.
They where scared off by the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) legislation.
For some reason as Switzerland has built a new Mega Refinery specially for E-wast the hole of europe has been hit by this new legislation.(well came in 2007 but is only just starting to have teeth)The funny thing is Switzerland is not even in europe properly and has opted out ,but some how is using it's influence to control the hole market.
When you look at the history it is interesting that they are the only nation on earth who have been left out of every conflict and world war there has ever been,while being completely surrounded by forces that where hostile to every other nation.
They put it down to there alpine fortress and natural protection but it just makes me want to change my nationality to Swiss.But I digress.
has any one found a way to satisfy the legislation with out the need to log every item and list the returns.I have tried to by pass the problem by explaining that I am simply depopulating the board's so they will lie flat and selling them on but this has satisfied only one of my local company's, the rest seem to scared of the unknown legal ramifications and liability and want the guarantees provided by a larger entity.If there are any Small U.K. refiners with a better approach I would like to hear from them.
Perhaps only "buy" theoretically functioning equipment as an IT business. also equiment manufactured before 2007 is categorised as pre-wee , so wee recyclers don't get the same kick-backs on it despite the higher gold content and similar lack of consequences. If you can show wee receipts for your wastes it should help, and the idea of repurposing equipment (even if very little gets repurposed) is attractive to business CSR strategies.