Eco-goldex CYANIDE Leach

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Well-known member
May 22, 2008
Does anyone have experience with this process?
It looks interesting, what do you think about it? It may be solution for processing pins and plated material from electronics, it looks like cyanide leach but bit more on safer side of things.

I just spoke with the guy. He is not far from my shop, I might grab a 1lb sample bag to test it this week.

Like cyanide it is supposed to attack copper substrate. He is not sure if it will dissolve Pd. It will dissolve Ag.
Claims it will dissolve 1 kg of PMs for 1 Lb of reagent.
PMs could be reclaimed with smb, activated carbon, zinc...

Says that PH should not become acidic or SO2 gas will be formed

about $1 USD per Lb if you buy by the Ton.

I'm still curious to know more about what this product contains, especially for the disposable part... How to handle wastes...
spaceships said:
Read up about it. It really isn't as scarey as you think.

What spaceships said.I just read there entire website,and am going to call and ask about that free sample tomorrow.If you do the research it will pay for it's self in full every single time.

I went through msds sheet posted on his forum. While I do have healthy dose of respect towards cyanide and concentrated sulfuric his process does look tempting. He does sell smaller quantities on eBay.
There is an old saying,,,,"If it sounds to good to be true, it probably is" There are chemists here on this forum that washes there hands in cyanide to clean the gold off of them, but it can be deadly if misused. I would want to know for sure all the details first.

The difference between stupidity and wisdom,,,wisdom lets stupidity go first!!!

jeneje said:
There is an old saying,,,,"If it sounds to good to be true, it probably is" There are chemists here on this forum that washes there hands in cyanide to clean the gold off of them, but it can be deadly if misused. I would want to know for sure all the details first.

The difference between stupidity and wisdom,,,wisdom lets stupidity go first!!!


Very true.
What bothers me also is :

- From the look in the video, the substance doesn't look quite "homogeneous" and some black debris of an unknown thing doesn't dissolve.
Anything could be mixed in there...
- Always frisky when buying anything from China, or a chinese source... Do you really know whats in there ? Any chance that what you are buying is contaminated with anything else ?
Their MSDS - in percent

NaOH ---------------------------------5-10
CO(NH2)3 = Urea--------------------15-30
Shouldn't this be red?

The K3Fe(CN)6 in my sons crystal growing kit is red. When mixed with water still red.


Might have to try it for fun.
upcyclist said:
spaceships said:
Read up about it. It really isn't as scarey as you think.

That's what I was thinking--aren't ferrocyanides actually pretty stable? see also: Prussian Blue

Potassium ferrocyanide is used in food additives and wine making per their website.So everyone has probably already ate or drank some at some point in their life and did not even know it.

Another product from ecogoldex - this time leach do not call for initial ph adjustment.

[youtube][/youtube] [youtube][/youtube]
Irons said:
Potassium Ferrocyanide is a strong reducing agent and should be kept away from oxidizers. It can react violently.

I am testing that leach as we speak. While it stripped some boards (blue boards which are from under touchpad on laptops) really fast - within few hours, other like the same but green boards are going very slow. I made test batch with different type of fingers and plated boards and the only stripped so far after about 48 hours are blue I mentioned and boards from back of LCD screens. The rest is showing different stages like some fingers missing on close cut ram fingers but it look like slow process. I am in no hurry but I would certainly like if I could figure out how to speed up process.
I do not want to experiment wildly with that as it does contain some cyanide but I was thinking what may happen if I introduce air bubbler or perhaps some hydrogen peroxide but your post made me wonder - is it something I can try or rather not?
patnor1011 said:
I do not want to experiment wildly with that as it does contain some cyanide but I was thinking what may happen if I introduce air bubbler or perhaps some hydrogen peroxide but your post made me wonder - is it something I can try or rather not?
I don't know much on this one, but I would definitely try a bubbler or agitation/stirrer bar (with proper fume/splatter precautions) before I went with oxidizing agents*.

*Other than air itself, hehe.
5 days in test batch and while I can say solution is working leaching is very slow. Solution when settled is nice cloudy yellow.
I decided to try to introduce air and placed air bubbler inside this morning. After about 10 hours I can say that it look that air made it go faster. I see gold being dissolved on more pieces which looked untouched in the morning. I will leave it like that with air bubbles for couple of days.
OK. I do not have time right now to go in any detail but to make long time story short I can say that ecogoldex works exactly as advertised, gold is disappearing like snow in august. I guess I can safely say that it will dissolve gold in a speed I cant compare to anything I tried so far. I would compare it to straight cyanide - it is that fast.
Now I am in a process of trying various processes to reclaim that dissolved gold. I do intend to try carbon and SMB. If anyone here do have experience with thio leaching I do have couple of questions. Is there any other process to drop gold from base leach with ph 11-12? What method is used to test for gold in solution like this?
I am making a lot of pictures of various material before and after leach but I will be able to post some of them over the weekend only. Too busy right now.