How much Nitric to use when inquartatng ?

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Supporting Member
May 28, 2007
I have seen two values for the amount of Nitric in ML that one needs to add to 6kt in the inquartating method -

One source suggested to use 2.5 ml of Nitric per each 1 gram of base alloy contained in the total batch of gold to be inquartated and another source suggests using only 1.44 ML per each 1 gram of base alloy contained in the total gold lot -

I figure out the amount of Nitric I need and then add equal amount of distilled water and add it to the gold and heat -

Say I have 2000 grams of 6kt and than it would contain 1500 grams of base alloy x 1.44 = 2160 ml of Nitric needed


Say I have 2000 grams of 6kt and than it would contain 1500 grams of base alloy x 2.5 = 3750 ml of Nitric needed

Which one is correct ?

You lose my number Art?

Start with a mL of nitric per g of silver. You will need more, but not much more unless Cu is high.

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