idea- recover colloid gold possible?

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Aug 27, 2020
I'm still alive, can you believe this crazy year/last year we have had... unreal. hope all of you are doing good and staying safe and healthy... :)

i'm going to put forth an idea i have... not tested..

gold can form a colloid, and has stability and resistance to aggregation

this gold colloid goes through filters, nano-meter range nm, is unseen, and is almost impossible to get to... or is there???

is there a way to simply break up the colloid to form an aggregate? which could then be dealt with due to size and clumping?

many on the boards say...where's my gold? it might still be their, just really really small.

possible solution... Add Salt -NaCI

gold particles in colloidal solutions are negatively charged, so they repel each other. they cannot clump together.

salt shields negative charges, causing clumping.

colloidal gold should change color (blue) because of change of light
spectra. (from the nm range) as it begins to clump

the aggregation of colloidal gold should increase with temperature increase... don't know but that needs testing...

note: citric acid is what produces, creates colloidal gold into nano-particals from 2-100nm or so...

you may be throwing gold out in solution (that tests don't even see) that nothing can see, but it's there in the liquid colloid form.

test: if you have a liquid that you believe has colloidal gold, do a test-tube test with some salt, try cooling it in the freezer or heating it a bit... see if it changes color, or if you have a spectrum meter, measure the light before and after... mostly look for changes in the blue-violet-ultraviolet between 100-500nm range.

hope to hear some results.
thanks in advance.
To test a sample in a test tube, add some HCl and a drop of nitric acid, it will dissolve any colloidal gold and make it possible to test with stannous. The stannous test is actually colloidal gold.

I haven't tested this but... I've heard that colloidal gold can be made to come together if you add HCl and boil it for a while.

Colloidal gold creates a colored solution so if you have a clear solution it shouldn't contain any colloidal gold.


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