50 mexican gold pesos

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I have been buying 50 gold pesos in Banamex.
They look brand new , I was told they are reissues from Banxico and Comex.
Few days ago I bougt a digital scale (0.01 to 50 gr) to test them and I realized the weight varies from 41.6 to 41.7 gr., ...only 2 of them weighted 41.55 gr ( they look the same but weight less than the others)
I made the ring test, and they sound like gold, also the diameter is correct (37mm) and the height close to 2.6mm.
I know that the originaly minted in the 1920's weight 41.666

I am concerned about thisissue and do not know if the difference in weight is reassonable or not .
Does somebody have experience with this?
I would appreciate any suggestion or guidance
My first question would be when you say “gr” do you mean grain or gram? One gram equals 15.4324 grains, a substantial difference. There are counterfeits out there and I am no coin expert as to mass allowances. I do not know Banamex or Banxico but I have never heard of a comex coin reissue or any comex issue for that matter (other than paper). Comex certifies “good delivery bars” made by others, not made by comex.

I am open to correction by someone that can authoritatively say otherwise citing sources.

¡Bienvenido paisano!.....Tienes razón,algunos Centenarios tienen pesos diferentes pero su contenido de oro puro siempre son 37.5 gramos.Ya puestos mejor no compres Centenarios,salen más caros y además debes pagar el 15% más de IVA.Visita el mercado negro.

Te mando un fuerte abrazo.





Welcome countryman!!...You are right,some Centenarios (this is the way ,we,Mexicans call the 50 pesos gold coin) have diferent weights but all have 37.5 gr of pure gold.By the way,do not buy them,they are expensive and you have to pay tax (15%) on them,you better buy them with free gold dealers.

I send you a big hug

