A/P precipitation issue

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Well-known member
Sep 25, 2009
Hi all

I had a batch of about 50 nicely plated circuit boards(see photo) I used A/P to de-plate the gold, the gold particles were very very small and after stripping I filtered the A/P the gold was so small that you could not see the granular texture of the gold. I have used the A/P process many times before with good results but i had never attempted these type of boards before. After filtering I was left with a gold coloured powder(unfortunately no photos) I know there was considrable gold in this mix as I saw how much was being washed from the boards. I used HCL/clorox and filtered the, resulting liquid was very green, so I assumed there was copper in the liquid. I added about 60 grams SMB which should have been more than enough to precipitate the gold in solution. The solution turned clear as usual but then the gold didnt drop. I guessed that the chlorine was inhibiting the precipitation process and so left it for a couple of days to see if it would precipitate on its own. I then heated the liquid to see if that would start it. After heating about 6 litres of the solution it began to precipitate. I left it for another 2 days and when i went to siphon off the liquid I noticed a thin brown film floating on top of the liquid so i added a little more SMB but it didnt change much. I filtered some of the liquid and noticed that the water drops falling from the jug when they fell in the bucket of SMB solution that they were giving off a brown stain when they hit the solution. after about a minute I noticed that the filters were turning a cherry pink colour (see photos) I have never seen this before and am not sure what to do next. The SMB solution was still positive for gold but the stain was more brown than purple.


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i'm no expert, but this liquid it looks like colloidal gold. just a thought.

the stannous test can show false results (brown, that fade away) with the presence of Sulfurous acid (from the SMB)
Ok thanks everybody, I think most of the gold has dropped. So I will filter off the liquid, wash in Hcl three tmes water 3 times and maybe nitric. That should remove most of the contamination.
golddigger2 said:
Ok thanks everybody, I think most of the gold has dropped. So I will filter off the liquid, wash in Hcl three tmes water 3 times and maybe nitric. That should remove most of the contamination.
While washing in nitric can pay benefits, I don't recommend you do so unless you heat the resulting gold to a temperature where residual acid is evaporated first. In spite of careful rinsing, I think you'll find that there will be traces of HCl remaining in the gold, which, combined with the nitric, will dissolve traces of your values. It's not a fatal problem, but it's one that is best avoided. If you want to guild the lily, wash for a prolonged period of time, using HCl. Rinse well by boiling with water, then do an ammonium hydroxide wash. Rinse well, then revert to another HCl wash, followed by a careful rinsing in water. That way you won't risk dissolving any values, and the quality will be improved markedly without risking dissolution of the values.

Thanks harold. I was a bit concerned about using nitric for the very reasons you described. I will follow your advice and post photos of the results. Thanks everyone.
Hi patnor1011 here is the source material. Sorry I meant to post the photo of the original material.


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Yes I did. There is a considerable amount of plating under the solder mask. Which I wouldn't have done if it wasn't for the outstanding advice on this forum. Thanks everybody.
Because I followed the advice in the forum I had about 50 of these boards that had the top layers of gold stripped off. But I had been told never to throw anything away and so still had all the boards. After posting a photo I found out there may be gold under the mask. I stripped with hot sodium hydroxide and abra cadabra more gold. I am still working on this batch so ile keep you posted.

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