acid concentration for AR

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Feb 28, 2010
muelheim-kaerlich / Germany
hello together,

i´m new here and have a question about AR.
i have 31% hydrochloric acid and 51% nitric acid.
is the concentration sufficient or have I to up-concentrate this?
sorry for my bad english.

thanks and greetings

That will work.The price of acids is a large part of the costs for refining so buy the cheapest you can,you can even make your own,use the search function and do research into making your own nitric, which is usually the most expensive and save even more money :lol:
Recently I had to work up for a client the cost of refining so I took his bulk acid costs and did the math for 5:1 aqua regia and came up with a cost of $0.18 per ounce of scrap metals digested.

At $1100 an ounce for gold that's not a high cost. He is a business and able to get acid delivered. His space limitations require him to order his hydrochloric and nitric in 15 gallon drums so his actual price is a bit higher than those ordering in 55 gallon drums. His acids work out to $5.97 a gallon for nitric and $5.03 a gallon for hydrochloric.

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