Any Ideas

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May 18, 2009
Gap Pa
I am using the Shor international products and the percipitant is failing to work as advertised. I have six batches and none of them are dropping the gold out. Is there anything I can use with their system found localy to make this gold drop?
Can you detail the steps you went through to get to the stage that you are in now? What did you do? How did you do it? What chemicals did you use?
I mixed two table spoons of subzero with two cups of hydrcloric acid. I poured the mixture over one pound of gold fingers. When the mixture stopped bubbleing several hours later I poured the mixture off the remaining gold fingers. I put a pinch or so of Urea in the mixture and put the storm precipitant in another container (three tablespoons full) I slowly started pour the mixture over the precipitant and it bubbled brown bubbles so I stopped and added more urea to the mixture then continued to add the mixture to the precipitant. The mixture bubbled but not as rapidly as before. After two hours nothing had fallen so I added another three tablespoons of precipitant to the mixture. Still nothing so I added more urea and again put in my remaining three tablespoons full of precipitant. The next day nothing had happened so I heated the mixture and here I sit wondering what to do.
You are making a weak aqua regia with the sodium nitrate (subzero) and the HCl.

Did the copper and nickel dissolve 100%? If not, your gold has cemented onto the copper and is likely to be co-mingled, as a dark powder, with the solids residue. When all the copper is dissolved, the gold will dissolve.
If all the copper hasn't dissolved, I wouldn't expect for ANY gold to be in the solution. If it's not in the solution to start with, it can't drop out of the solution. Look for it in the SOLIDS RESIDUE that you either filtered out or decanted the solution off of.

Have you ever tested the solution for gold, using stannous chloride?
I have tested it with the solution that Shor sells and it shows high concentration of gold. Would adding Hydrogen Peroxide to the mix like steve does disolve the copper?
why would you want to dissolve the copper, until gold has cemented out of soution onto the copper,I would add copper if needed, maybe boiling off nitrates, then I would go for dissolving the copper and trying to leave mostly gold as powder.then wash the gold well trying to eliminate copper and lead if any, then redisolve the more pure gold powder and reprecipitate it.