AR and white sediment

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Well-known member
Nov 16, 2009
I know I read a post about this here somewhere a month ago but I can not find it now :( If someone knows where it was please post a link.

The problem is this: I decided to use AR for some AMD cpus with all the legs cut to practice. They were about 15 cpus. After 3-4 hours with no additional heating the bubbles stopped and I decided to look what has happened. Most of the plating was dissolved and the capacitators were at the botom of the plastic dish. The gold letters AMD were dissolved too. The colour of the liquid was very dark green-yellow. At the bottom there was white sediment and I wonder what is it? Does it contain some gold or not?
The mixed types complicates things due to the assortment of base metals involved.

The K6's have tungsten copper alloy heat spreaders if they are the gold topped ones. If they are the aluminum lid ones you should remove the aluminum plates first.

The newer Athlons have kovar alloy legs.

Solution color and sediment indicate copper and likely iron. Tungsten along with copper I chloride can also produce insoluble powders under the right conditions.

For these reasons I try to process similar types of scrap together in one batch. I also try to remove all the heat spreaders and base metals whenever possible. Once I have the foils from the separate types of scrap, then I will process all of the foils together to refine the gold.

The K6 were with Alu lids but I removed them first of course :) The other cpu-s had no lids. All the cpus had their legs removed a month ago but the circle base with the plating was still on them. I will rince the liquid a few times and will proceed with PMB (I can not find SMB). I did this experiment with the "crippled" cpus to practice and see how will things happen. I will not lose much gold anyway.
Evertything is OK now :) I got a little gold a few hours ago. The mixture of AR, water and PMB had yellow-brown color but after 12 hours it was transperant and there was black mud at the bottom. After the melting I had a nice and small ( :cry: ) gold ball ...

Conclusion: I did it!


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