AuCl question.

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Well-known member
May 22, 2008
That will be hard to answer. Process of my choice was AP. I have put in about pound of fingers, pound of pins, 30 fiber Pentium CPUs. Not in one lot. All of these were in separate batches. There was not much foils so I have decided to combine them in one jar where I had HCl/Cl to dissolve them. When I was washing foils from CPUs I noticed silvery/gray powder. What that possibly might be? There was few monolithic capacitors on CPUs. I saved that filter and when that powder will be dry I will try to upload photo of it. It was only small quantity, but still it intrigues me to know what that might be. Thanks Pat.

*edited - red should be "filtering AuCl" I put that throught HCl and hot water - no reaction...
You can find your answer on Lazer Steve's site. Under his videos clip options are DOCUMENTS. Within is a file called "Intel CPU Package Data."

I think you are dealing with solder. I am not absolutely positive but had same results as you when I did same CPU chips. I saved fiber for further processing: my objective was simply removing the pind from CPU's.

I used AP which removed pins rapidly. I did a total of 40 CPU's and completed seperation in an hour: then washed pins. I still have remnants of capacitors along with pins but base metals (of those capacitors) are removed for the most part.

Attached is clip of washed pins - have not weighed as of yet.



  • Fiber pentiums.jpg
    Fiber pentiums.jpg
    690.5 KB
bklopsy said:
You can find your answer on Lazer Steve's site. Under his videos clip options are DOCUMENTS. Within is a file called "Intel CPU Package Data."

I think you are dealing with solder. I am not absolutely positive but had same results as you when I did same CPU chips. I saved fiber for further processing: my objective was simply removing the pind from CPU's.

I used AP which removed pins rapidly. I did a total of 40 CPU's and completed seperation in an hour: then washed pins. I still have remnants of capacitors along with pins but base metals (of those capacitors) are removed for the most part.

Attached is clip of washed pins - have not weighed as of yet.


There looks like a lot of undisloved base metals in there.
Yes. You can see it on the plate itself. There are still remnants of solder at base of pins. I removed from solution because I was starting to experience cementing.

My objective was to prep for nitric. It's a hassle dealing with the fiber
bklopsy said:
Yes. You can see it on the plate itself. There are still remnants of solder at base of pins. I removed from solution because I was starting to experience cementing.

My objective was to prep for nitric. It's a hassle dealing with the fiber

If you had them in HCL I would put them back in HCL rather than go to the nitric because you are sure to loose some of your gold to solution. I think you said those were fiber CPU's, if this was what this mostly made up of then it is possible that your copper was cementing onto the iron pins your solution might have had a blue color that would be the iron. Keep them in HCL till all is disolved

The cementing that I thought I was experiencing was black and took some rinsing to remove. I decantered and saved all sediment. I originally dissolved pins from fiber with AP.

Do I understand you correctly, that I might be able to remove base metals altogether with HCl and not have to deal with Nitric at all? Or, are you suggesting to complete cleaning as much as possible of pins with HCl?

Brooks. If you will put your pins back to AP you will end up with hollow foils. All metal will be eaten up. Do not overdo with H2O2 becouse you might dissolve some of your gold too. My pins were complete hollow only gold.

My strange silvery/grey powder came from AuCl. I filtered AP and washed foils several times with HCl and water, I have put that to beaker with fresh HCl/Cl and foils dissolved... After hour or so I filtered AuCl and that is when I found that powder. Sorry for confusion in my post it seemed that powder came from AP I have typed that in hurry. My AuCl is still with strong chlorine smell so I dont think that it can be gold...
bklopsy said:

The cementing that I thought I was experiencing was black and took some rinsing to remove. I decantered and saved all sediment. I originally dissolved pins from fiber with AP.

Do I understand you correctly, that I might be able to remove base metals altogether with HCl and not have to deal with Nitric at all? Or, are you suggesting to complete cleaning as much as possible of pins with HCl?


Yes that is correct I would just use HCL on the pins to finish disolving them. It will remove the copper and iron and other items and leave you with just your gold flakes.

You can add a small amount of peroxide to restart your reaction or you can add a little bit of your used copper chloride solution to start the reaction or you can use a bubbler for the reaction.

If you are going to use peroxide with this be careful as patnor1011 said above because it will disolve some of your gold.

Until you get use to using the peroxide I would stick with your HCL only and get familiar with the reaction and the time it takes to disolve certain items. Then you will be more comfortable using the peroxide.

Paitence is going to be your biggest virtue and your best friend.
patnor1011 said:
samuel-a said:
did you try boiling HCL?

i'll put my penny on Pb

will try. I do not have access to Nitric so this is my only option.

after the boil in HCL, remove the liquid and cool it, if you see white/grayish precipitate, then it's PbCl (careful with it)

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