auric color??

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Nov 30, 2008
Winnipeg Canada
I have just completed the HC/CL process and have about 29 ounces of auric chloride. The color seems to be dark compared to the ones I find on the site. However in one of Steves posts he says that concentrated auric could be orange or even reddish. So I was just wondering if someone with more experience could comment on the color of my solution. I started with about 4-5 grams of gold foils from pins done in AP.

Depending on the color of the dark solution it may be some copper contamination. Four or five grams is not enough gold to cause 29 ounces (~900 mL) of solution to darken much beyond yellow.

I can't seem to get the pics to upload but thats what I thought. Although I did wash 4 times with hcl and rinsed well with water. The acid was nice and clear before I rinsed. I wish I could send pics ( probably something I am doing) because I have a color simalar to beer.
If you don't mind Steve how should I proceed?

Filter the solution until it is 100% free of debris and then add SMB with lots of stirring as per usual.

Steve as per your reply I dropped with smb and had a brown powder form as expected. I then washed the powder with hot hcl and then water 3 times then I did a wash with ammonia and again 3 times with distilled water. Everything occurred just as Harold stated in his post on washing powder. The color lightened and the powder began to clump very nicely. I then disolved again in hcl cl to further purify as suggested. But some of the powder does not seem to want to disolve this time. I heated the solution and this seemed to help. I still have some bits to work on but I have also noticed a fine white crystaline substance in the solution which goes away while heated. I never had any of the crystals in my first smb drop at all. What would these be and do you think that I may have satuated my auric and should add some more hcl cl. My first drop I had 29 ozs of auric and this one I have it down to 6 or 7 ozs. It is a rich golden yellow color and tests dark purple almost black with stannous. Sorry for the drawn out explanation but I want to try and give you guys as much info as I can. All advise would be greatly appreciated.

Everything sounds normal. The white crystals are salt. Add a little extra water until it all dissolves.

You can now melt the powder in a mini-firebrick furnace using MAPP gas or with oxy/acy.

Got any photos?

Hi Steve
I can't seem to upload photos. I'll take some more and try again shortly.
It seems to be snowing outside where I do the refining. ( In May??? I gotta move! )