Black Sand Concentrates

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The red mud is left over from filtering some recovered Au from black sand. I do not have any stannous chloride.

Anyone have an idea what the red mud is? I first roasted the black sand, then leached with HCL to remove the iron, the sand was then introduced to AR then heated. This mud insoluble in hot AR showed up on filtering the Au.

For the curious the black sand came from British Columbia in the Hope area.
I have no earthly idea what it may be, But here in alabama we have red clay dirt ( powder ) that when wet is like red slick grease.
That's what it looks like in my back yard when it rains.
Have had the same results I think it iron an pladdium. maby small amount of gold with the pladdium.
g_axelsson said:
My guess is hematite, it is a red iron oxide.


I think Göran gets the cigar, further research on black sands backs his claim. Research ( Google ) "hematite +black sand" indicates magnetite and hematite both iron oxides to constitute a major portion of the black sand.
Thanks but I don't smoke. :lol:

An old Swedish name for hematite is "Blodstensmalm" or blood stone ore in English. The name comes from it's color when it is in powder form. I've dug through cavities filled with hematite mud when I hunted for rock crystals. It looked as you had cut yourself badly. A gram of really fine hematite could turn a sink to a "blood bath".

Hematite is non magnetic, but if you heat it to red glow in air it will probably oxidize into magnetite and leave a magnetic powder after it cools down. Though, I have never tried it myself so I don't know how stable it is.

g_axelsson said:
An old Swedish name for hematite is "Blodstensmalm" or blood stone ore in English.

I think you'll find that the name hematite is Greek in origin, and means the same thing. Hema, in Greek, is blood.

Harold (who was born to parents of Greek ancestorage)
Palladium said:
I have no earthly idea what it may be, But here in alabama we have red clay dirt ( powder ) that when wet is like red slick grease.
That's what it looks like in my back yard when it rains.

Hello Palladium.

You might want to have some of that clay checked out. It sounds like you are describing "Bentonite", which has a multitude of uses, Drill Mud for Oil, and Water Wells to seal the ground around the the steel casing drove in the well, as well as sealing off the ground for leach pad set ups.

Bentonite is an industrial mineral, and is worth mining.
Just a thought, and something I thought that you should know.

Sincerely; Rick.
Here are a couple of books that I recomend for those wishing to process "Black Sands".
Good information, and well worth reading for those who intend to do this.

Simplified Black Sand Recovery
By Clark Sable
Hulette Mining Company
P.O. Box 364
Reseda, CA. 91337

How to Process your Black Sand Concentrates
By Vern H. Ballantyne
ISBN 1-877700-07-X
Mountain Publications
P.O. Box 8008, Suite 252
Gloucester, MA. 01931

I hope that these books help, and they should.
I have used the methods described within them.

Sincerely; Rick. a.k.a. "The Rock Man".
This is a copy of a post I made in a diffrent thread pertaining to "Black Sand".
I thought that It applied to the subject of this thread, so posted it here as well.
This is a process listed in one of the books that I suggested in my previous post.

The best method that I know of would be to put your sand into a Rock Tumbler, or a modified concrete mixer with steel balls and a small amount of mercury. Turn the unit on, and let it operate untill all the sand has been crushed flour fine to recover all the visible fine gold, as well as any encapsulated gold bound up in solid solution with the black sand into the mercury.

Once the sand has been crushed flour fine, carefully pour off the water. The remaining sand can be ran through a "Blue Bowl", "Spiral Concentrater", such as a "Gold Wheel", or carefully panned in order to recover your mercury.

Place a piece of cotton, or filter paper inside a 500cc or larger syringe, then carefully pour your mercury into the syringe, then replace the plunger and depress it, forcing the free mercury out through the tip into a container.

The "Gold Amalgam" will be left inside the syringe against the cotton, or filter paper. Carefully Remove the cotton or filter paper with the gold, and place it into a pyrex dish, and cover with a solution of one prt nitric acid, and 4 prts water. Place the dish on a hot plate from an electric coffee maker, and let gently heat up. The remaining mercury will go into solution, and the gold will remain. Place a coffe filter in a plastic funnel, and then place the funnel into a glass dish in order to support it , and act as a resivior for the solution containing the mercury. Pour the solution from the dish with the gold into the funnel, and let filter. Rinse the dish with some extra water to make sure that all the gold has been removed from the dish, and is now into the filter. Spritz the filter and gold with clean water to remove any remaining nitric solution containing mercury, and let drip, as well as sit untill dry.

Once dry, The filter and gold can be smelted with Borax to produce a single mass of gold.

Place a piece of copper plate into the nitric solution, and let sit overnight. The mercury will drop out of solution as free mercury within the solution, with some adhereing to the copper plate, which can be scraped off, and the solution filtered to recover the rest.

I hope that this has been of some help to you and others.
Questions, comments, and suggestions are welcome, and appreciated.

Sincerely; Rick. a.k.a. "The Rock Man".

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