A few things to know if you do decide to make your own nitric. EVERYONE who has used nitric here on the forum will tell you that it can be lethal, and some people will still approach it with a cavalier attitude. I am not a pro by any means. I enjoy the science and chemistry. Respect and knowledge of what you are doing is first and foremost the key. Understand and respect the fact that the substance you are making, has the ability to permanently damage and destroy your only body. THEN comes safety for you, your family, and your neighbors, and your neighborhood. You may be in full hasmat gear with a 1500 dollar exhaust system. But if it vents in to the neighbors back yard where his kids play and it is not being respectful or safe. Know what you are creating, and what your intentions are for it BEFORE you begin. This includes making, using, and properly disposing. Down the sink or in the corner of the back yard will not suffice. Some instruction may not be as clear as a Betty Crocker cook book, so do your due diligence. Check out other ways to accomplish what you wish, and ask ask ask if there is any question. If an accident occurs, you will be prepared to handle it with little consequence. Don't be afraid! If you are unsure of the process then you will be unsure of the results.
Sermon Done.
If you must make and use your own nitric... Consider your manufacturing location. If you are near people or pets that wont leave you alone, then I recommend the COLD PROCESS that lazersteve has posted here on the forum Do a search and you can find it. Know that when you do begin to use the Nitric, that it will produce a heavy red could even in "small" batches of processing. This cloud and the other invisible fumes will cause rust like crazy, after all you are making an oxidizer. Make and use this stuff under a good fume hood that vents far from EVERYTHING. Carports/garages, tools and toolboxes, plants animals, and everything else will be destroyed with these fumes. Also, if you have one freezer, DON'T use it. I don't need to mention that the wife and kids wont appreciate it either, do I? Even in a bachelor pad its not worth the risk. If you have a cheap old fridge/freezer, use that. If not, get some bags of ICE, some salt and a cooler to do your freezing.
The HOT PROCESS of distillation can produce a more concentrated batch, but is not at all practical for the neighborhood.
I distill 250ml batches at a time, and I am very pleased with my results. I am able to do this because I have spent the cash on a decent Distilling set up, that includes a hood. My neighbors property line is a good 300 yards away on each side, and when they are outside, I do not use it. When I first began, I used the cabinet in a large carport (with no cars in it) with poor ventilation. I never had any problems with people or animals, but the tool case that I had, and every inch of the carport rusted like crazy. A few gallons of paint and a LOT of work restored the carport, but many of the tools were de-rust proofed, and now need oil every week or so just to keep them from getting rusty.
So Nitric Newbies... Read read read. It can save you hundreds of collateral damage. Show the proper respect and take the proper precautions. It is very rewarding to apply what you learn here. Very few people will take the time to educate and apply what they have learned, and even fewer will be able to do what we do with our hobby.