Can't drop the rest ?

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Active member
Apr 11, 2009
Did some fingers (168g) in AP had alot of gold in solution with the gold fakes so I ran them in AR. After all the gold fakes went in solution I added Urea then some H2o. Then the SMB about 5g. At frist the gold wasn't dropping so I added a little more SMB.. Bingo it started to fall.

Tested solution for gold, tested pos..Put in alittle Urea and more SMB waited...Tested again and pos....

I took out the gold power that fell and clean it.....I got .5 gram of gold after melt. I still have the solution and it still test's pos for gold in solution alot///Q tip Black

Just tested the PH and it's low.....and the Cyanuric Acid is high maybe add a little soda ash to bring the PH up ?

What to do ???????
Do not add soda.Based on the amount of fingers you started with you should have ended up with about .5g - 1g of gold,so youre not that far off.How much solution(volume do you have?).When you add the smb does it fizz,if so what color is the fizz?Take about 200ml of the solution and double it with bottled water.Test with stannous,if pos then do this.......heat up the solution on a hotplate but dont let it boil,once heated below a boil remove it from the heat and VERY slowly add about 1/2 teaspoon of smb.That should get the rest to drop.There will not be very much gold powder at this volume,but if it works then you know how to get the rest to drop out.If it doesnt work then you may need to boil it down to make sure you have gotten rid of all your nitrates,which will fight your smb and put any gold that drops out,back into solution.
Thank you....This morning I got up and checked the jar and the last of the gold droped.....I added alot more urea to it last night that might of lowered the ph to drop the gold......

once again thank you for the help....was going to try what you said if gold didn't drop...
