cats catalog

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Well-known member
Nov 16, 2009
There was a catalog of cats and their contents in the forum some time ago. I can not find the post now :( If anyone can give me a link I will be thankful. Yesterday I was shown a paper catalog that looked like it. I noticed that some cats do not have brand and some has the brand MB. What is MB and what are these with no brands? What is after market cat? Under each cat there was let's say: 1250 gr., Pt-0.14, Pd-0.3, Rh-0.07 (or something like this). What does the numbers show? Is it % of 1 kg or % of the weight of the cat or semeting else?
P3M said:
Im assuming MB is Mercedes benz

Thank you, P3M. I assume I have not thought about that :cry: One of the questions is answered. Any idea about the others?
If I'm correct that was a 3 files setup and they were removed from the system because the original poster kind of got in hot water because it was posted.
I don't think there are any aftermarkets in that catalog.

I'm quite certain that the Pt, Pd, Rh numbers are percentage of honeycomb weight of the respective metals.
So your hypothetical 1250g cat has 1250 grams of catalyst in it with.

1250 * (0.14%/100%) = 1.75 gram of platinum.
1250 * (.3%/100%) = 3.75 g Pd
1250 * (0.07%/100%)=0.875 g Rh

I'll have to take a look at the unlabeled cats in that document later.
skippy said:
I don't think there are any aftermarkets in that catalog.

I'm quite certain that the Pt, Pd, Rh numbers are percentage of honeycomb weight of the respective metals.
So your hypothetical 1250g cat has 1250 grams of catalyst in it with.

1250 * (0.14%/100%) = 1.75 gram of platinum.
1250 * (.3%/100%) = 3.75 g Pd
1250 * (0.07%/100%)=0.875 g Rh

I'll have to take a look at the unlabeled cats in that document later.

Percentage of the weight of the cat? I saw one with 0.95 Pt in it. I remember it was from Renault and it was 440 grams. That means 4.4x0.95=4.18 grams of Pt in that cat. That means about 210$ in a cat. I am pretty sure thre isn't 4-5 grams of Pt in a cat like that. Or may be it can. I can not provide it because the owner works in a scrap yard (if this is the term in English) and he has interest in not showing it to anybody.

And another one I remember viewing it - what is PSA?
I am pretty sure thre isn't 4-5 grams of Pt in a cat like that.
Hmmm, I can't really personally verify any particular content on any particular cat. That said, I can say that calculating the values like I have shown seems to more or less corelate with the prices people are paying on ebay for the different cats.

Percentage of the weight of the cat?
No, not the entire cat, just the ceramic material.

And another one I remember viewing it - what is PSA?
My guess is Peugeot South Africa.
I'm correcting my own guess, I was half right.
PSA = Peugeot Société Anonyme
which is like saying Peugeot Inc. or Peugeot Ltd. in english.
plamenppp said:
There was a catalog of cats and their contents in the forum some time ago. I can not find the post now :(

plamenppp, check out the fourth link under Palladium's heading.
Search in his documents on for catalytic converters. He has several documents on cat's. I hope this is what you were looking for.

Good luck, Gorfman

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