Does anyone know a good source of nitrates?

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Well-known member
Sep 25, 2009
Hi All
I am having a huge amount of difficulty locating nitrates. I have been able to source a small amount of sodium nitrate from a butcher but it is expensive likewise the stuff on the net that they are selling for ten times the price. I have been to all the garden stores only to find out that all the fertilizers they used to sell like ammonium nitrate, pottasium nitrate have been replaced by sulphates. the only fertilizer i could find that contained nitrates was urea which would neutralize the acid. and I looked for stump remover and we cant get that either. They must think we have nothing better to do than sit in our homes and plot about blowing stuff up. I am in Australia if that helps not afganistan. I have had similar problems trying to get sulphuric acid but i can go to the local hardware store and buy HCL by the truck load. Any suggestions on good sources of nitrates would be a great help.

thanks in advance
There's always leaves and weeds.

Soak freshly fallen leaves in water, squeeze out the liquid and boil it down. The Potassium Nitrate is less soluble than salt and will eventually precipitate out.

Cave Science 101
We thank God that you crawled out of that cave and onto the forum Irons! :lol:

You are always a wealth of information!!
I told you guys!!!!!!!!!.....we need to produce our raw materials.


Do not worry...potassium nitrate will fit your needings so you just have to get.Here is an idea:
Unit 14,328 Reserved Rd
Tel. 61-3-9583-4691 General Manager: Mr. Trevor Dennis

I do not know where you live in Australia,but ask HAIFA where you can find in your own town "MULTI K Classic" fertilizer because you want to try it for some rare cultivation (for example, grapes or hidroponic tomato cultivation).Once that you get it forget all about grapes or cultivation..."MULTI K Classic" is pure potassium nitrate then you can use it for whatever you want.

HAIFA fertilizers are available worldwide.

I hope it helps.I am working in a method to produce our own potassium nitrate starting with potassium chloride,sodium nitrate and sulphuric acid buying everything in stores like Wall Mart and Home Depot.

Best regards

glorycloud said:
We thank God that you crawled out of that cave and onto the forum Irons! :lol:

You are always a wealth of information!!

Unfortunately, this must be done outside the fallout shelter, so, until the background radiation decreases to a tolerable level, practice making Flint tools. :lol:
Juan Manuel Arcos Frank said:
I told you guys!!!!!!!!!.....we need to produce our raw materials.


Do not worry...potassium nitrate will fit your needings so you just have to get.Here is an idea:
Unit 14,328 Reserved Rd
Tel. 61-3-9583-4691 General Manager: Mr. Trevor Dennis

I do not know where you live in Australia,but ask HAIFA where you can find in your own town "MULTI K Classic" fertilizer because you want to try it for some rare cultivation (for example, grapes or hidroponic tomato cultivation).Once that you get it forget all about grapes or cultivation..."MULTI K Classic" is pure potassium nitrate then you can use it for whatever you want.

HAIFA fertilizers are available worldwide.

I hope it helps.I am working in a method to produce our own potassium nitrate starting with potassium chloride,sodium nitrate and sulphuric acid buying everything in stores like Wall Mart and Home Depot.

Best regards


Interesting. The World's largest supplier of KnO3 from Israel, owned by Trump. They have a very pure version, as well.
well since down under sounds like you live in a cave,
here are some idea's to get nitrates to make nitric to refine with:
look for bat caves, large chicken or farm aminal manure piles. gather white crystals from walls or dirt or leach the dirt of these with wood ash.
or make yer own, Nitre bed, best of concrete walls and floor or bin, plastic can work, a mix of manure, urine and wood stove ashes, dirt, staw, keep moist with urine and covered from rain, this compost bin also will make exelent fertilizer,pile at least about 2 ft tall, 3ft wide, 5ft long, a slopping floor helps but not nessary, turn heap to compost well, after about a year leach with water, this water nitrate mixed with wood ash, leached and crystalized, and recrystalized till pure crystals.

another option for small amounts instant cold packs usually have nitrates.
keep checking your fertilizer sources, I do not know how much farming down under but nitrates are important fertilizers, look for ammonium nitrate also.
do you have places with industrial boilers and water chillers? large buildings, they treat there waters and have acess to chemicals. talk to there maintenance man. he might be able to help you find a source. good luck and how about a picture of a kagaroo.
Thanks butcher. I have tracked down some fertilizer wholesalers that sell potassium nitrate in 25kg(50lb) bags but that would be enough to last me for 2 life times and I beloved the stuff doesn't last for ever. They also sell ammonium nitrate but I belive you must be a primary producer to get your hands on that. Ile see what I can do about a photo of a kangaroo
these chemical are so common they are hard not to find them in many uses, sometime's it just takes us awhile to locate them, or a source for making them. just be honest with a person asking you why you want these chemicals, or fertilizer. they will most likely help you find a source rather than suspect you are up to no good.
Here is it...the process for making your own potassium questions,no problems....nice and slow.

First of all I assume that you are able to make your own nitric acid...this process is well known in this wonderful Forum.We need the following:

750 ml of Nitric acid
500 gr of Potassium Chloride (available as fertilizer 0-0-60 or 0-0-62 or PH stabilizer in pool´s stores)
A tropical fish pump (a little one)

To the powder of potassium chloride add slowly nitric acid,rise temperature to 60 C,with the pump introduce some air to the solution,stirr well,do it outside because some nasty gases will be released.Once that all bubbling has finished boil until dryness,the white powder is pure potassium nitrate.

Here is the reaction:


You can also produce it with ammonium nitrate from Instant Cold Packs and potassium hydroxide,take a look(How to make potassium nitrate) in YouTube for the process.

"Nothing gonna stop us now"

The war against ungrateful chemical suppliers companies has started,JOIN ME!!!!!!,God and Knowledge are with us,all chemical substances for all the Members of the Forum.

Best regards

Juan I just messed up.

have a jar of silver that had a tiny bit of copper in it, after converting silver chloride, after letting this powder settle almost dry I scrapped the light copper crust off top put in jar with water, added few millileters dilute nitric to water to wash some of this copper out, I was using plastic spoon to stir it for a while, while checking out the forum.
while reading your post,I got so involved, sitting here at the computer I grabbed the glass (out of habbit drinking coffee at the computer desk), I took a gulp, this does'nt taste good, kinda like dirt, well I should not get a cold or flu now, but I think I will keep my silver outside in the lab, or at least away from the computer while I am reading your interesting post's. :oops:
Damn!!!!!!!!!...Butcher,we need you alive and healthy,please,be careful.

Butcher,I am sure you know any process for making one of those substances that we need in our PM processes,any idea?..come on,Butcher,we need your knowledge.

Kindest regards

Yes I am fine, other than burping from both ends, silver should just make silver chloride with stomach acids, and go on through, the copper is esential to our health so long as our body can process it, so I shouldnt need any copper vitamins for a while, have not turned blue yet, but it was a wake up call, here I am preaching safety and do a dumb stunt like have a glass at the computer.

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