First electrolytic cell for gold plated items, help please

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Oct 13, 2008
For first thing I wanted to say: What amazing site and what amazing people tring to give the knowledge and effort for unexperienced people like me ! I really admire the work you are doing, go on !!!
Ive made a big researches and translations cause Im not on same continent as you. I dont have the products you buy on ´´super markets´´ Ive found all the safety gear and all the cemicals needed.
But now the questions:
1. The parts I have in free access are plated with gold. Purity not spesifyded. Testing equipment leftovers and discounted.
2. The parts are gold plated but they yield ferrous metals.
I know that the testing needles have springs in them and strong magnet attatches them.
3. I plan to use electrolytic cell with copper mesh like steve in his videos.
The question is does the acid reveals the ferrous metals also and I should use some other method?
4. If I use copper mesh the copper will go also into solution. I planned to clean my refined cold later with bigger amounts.
My friend advised to collect the disposed gold not into solution, instead on 585 gold ring and will purify it later. Maybe some advises ?
5. And how do I reuse my concentrated sulfuric acid, In Steve´s video he mentioned he will show it later but still its confusing me !! Maybe fast quideline or link.
Did not found answers to my questions in months of reading.
Thanks and regards
The sulfuric cell will strip plated objects to the base metals.

The copper mesh will go into solution if the acid is too dilute or very hot. In a concentrated room temperature solution the copper will tend to passivate after a short time in the cell.

Always dissolve the black mud from the cell and refine before melting.

Here's a link for some additional cell instructions:

Black powder from cell

Again thanks, Im really busy with job, but finally made it.
But another fallback, I see how my gold appears in small amount to melting brick but I have lack of heat.
I dont have mixture of gas/oxygen, only gas- so Im going to melt it on my friend garage and have a few beers if I complete and few more if not !
Have a nice weekend by the way. An keep on Refining.