GOLD in SAND refining

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If someone told him he needed some special chemical to get his gold that cost ten times what an assay would, he wouldn't think twice on trusting that person. He is just dillusional. He won't listen to sound advise, and doesn't understand who the best people to get it from are. Jim

Using your own words…

DBLNUP said:
You can either help my friend and I try our hand at refining and understanding this more or you can simply F off!

Then you go on to say…

DBLNUP said:
anyone with some smartass remark probably doesn't have many friends, or should be taken seriously

Think for a moment about your own words.

You came to this group of strangers asking for help. You had the right to follow the advice that you felt had the most merit. If you chose to ignore the advice of an assay there are those here that would have probably still helped you had you been respectful. Sadly I think you have lost that opportunity now. I say sadly because you may not be aware that what you wish to do is particularly hazardous when dealing with raw ores because more often than not raw ores contain toxins that can poison and kill you depending on your choice of process. An assay is very important for that reason, not just for determining values or how to get full extraction and not leave behind half of your possible values in your material. Gold has little value to the maimed or dead.

Everyone one here is entitled to but one thing, respect. Nothing more or nothing less. Once they have shown they cannot give respect, they also lose the right to receive it.

If you wish help, I would suggest you recognize your own behavior and apologize in a way that it is clear to others you mean it and have the decency to back it up in your future posts. Without that you will find that even with an assay in hand you have alienated those that could help you the most.

Oddly enough the man you have chosen to slander is one of the most respected here, for good reason. Harold has given literally hundreds of hours of his time while in his retirement from many years of professional refining to give advice for free to others just for the love of the art. Stranger still is that I have seen him deal with verbal abuse like this in the past and yet give the individual a second chance if they seemed genuine.

I do not care who you are, that deserves respect.

At this point if you do not see the need for anything short of a sincere apology then you would be only wasting your time staying here as well as ours.
Simply saying refining this ore would be "worthless" is worthless in itself. The only informative thing you said was to get an assay, all the rest was sh|t. Admin or not, your opinion was mostly egotistical and rude.

Way to power trip! I've seen you do it in a few threads...Congrats you are a pure arse!
jimdoc said:
If someone told him he needed some special chemical to get his gold that cost ten times what an assay would, he wouldn't think twice on trusting that person. He is just dillusional. He won't listen to sound advise, and doesn't understand who the best people to get it from are. Jim

Did I say I wasn't going to do it? It's like this whole thread has been overrun by people who have burnt too many braincells inhaling fumes like wtf?

I have never had an assay, nor do I even know the process, All Harold said was to get it done...and that for some odd reason I'm wasting my time either way...and that the ore is worthless. Did I ask anyone to tell me that? no.

I have seen other OLDER threads in this forum, with pictures and the like with the same damn material that I got (though obviously not the "same" just similar), and for some reason they got honest straight forward answers, and most of what I hear from all of you is I'm dillusional and a moron. For asking for advice? Get real.
jimdoc said:

I tried to give him a way out above, yet all I see is more name calling and yet he is wondering at the same time why he is not getting help the way “he” wants it.

So I would have to agree with Jim. He does not seem to understand that it may be a good idea to at least be polite to those he wishes help from.

I second the motion. We do not need this here.
Oz said:
jimdoc said:

I tried to give him a way out above, yet all I see is more name calling and yet he is wondering at the same time why he is not getting help the way “he” wants it.

So I would have to agree with Jim. He does not seem to understand that it may be a good idea to at least be polite to those he wishes help from.

I second the motion. We do not need this here.

Actually the only one with a decent answer was Irons(in my other thread). How about you consider that I know next to nothing about assaying, nor did I even know the value of one. If all I did was roll up in your threads, start shouting out that you are a moron, are wasting your time, that your material is crap, and then fed you some more crap would you listen to ANYTHING I had to say?

Now do you understand why I didn't give a rats hole about what Harold said? Tell me you understand...or is this whole forum just an American ego trip?
Is it a waste of time to even respond to this thread? Especially given the fact that it is obvious to anyone that this character is not capable of following a reasonable, well thought out, and helpful response such as Oz just provided?

Undoubtedly, but I am going to anyway.

There are a number of clues in the information provided thus far that the chances of this material being discussed is materially worthless. What the bags are saying to me is that they are grab samples, but from where, under what conditions, and for what purpose?

Prospecting, a person will find material that they are interested in for what ever reason that strikes them at the moment. Come back to the same material tomorrow and you might not even give it a second glance. However, since you are at that moment interested you take a sample and put it in a bag. The location from where the material was taken, bag number if several are taken, general notes on the sample, and most likely the suspicions of what the material contains or consists of are written down and kept with the sample. Any geologist type, as it was stated earlier that the person who stored this material was, worth his salt pretty much follows the procedure. Were there any notes or scraps of information with the samples? None has been mentioned thus far in this embarrassing excuse for a discussion. The likelihood of them being grab samples that were just haphazardly taken seems high to me if there is not any documentation to go with them.

So, a pile of bags were found in a locked room, in a locked basement. I keep my basement locked too. Not because I have piles of gold filled bags hidden there years ago. Most people keep their “space” secure, and every one of them probably has their own reason for doing so. Have you moved all the bags yet? Maybe he was using them for ballast to keep his house from flipping over? Maybe he has them covering a hole in the floor or the wall where the REAL goodies are? Who is going to move a bunch of bags of dirt just to see if something is under them? Maybe that is where is porn stash was secured?

There are multiple people on this forum that are more than capable of performing at least a rudimentary assay on this material. One just is starting a business now to specifically perform just such a service, for just such a person as you DBLNUP. Very likely for a more than reasonable charge, like maybe free, or the cost of shipping and some materials, or just to be able to help someone who might have gotten luck with an interesting windfall.

At this point in the process you have started here, I wouldn’t touch your material, not for any price or any fee. As soon as I told you it was barren, I would immediately be branded by you as a liar for some reason you would come up with. You obviously know nothing of what you are doing, but just as obviously know more than anyone else who you interact with. That is sad for you on too many levels to even get into it.

Lastly, just by the way you shotguned your way into the forum, you seem to me to be a shill of some type. The things you say and the way you piled in are just not right somehow. The sole purpose of your visit here seems to have been to cause a disruption. Certainly, it was not for help, or knowledge. Certainly, I have just wasted 5 mins of my time.
This is for Harold.

The picture does it no justice, this is it crushed and panned, then crushed and panned again.

Here is the same vial next to a rock from my grandpas surface mine, I believe it is just a pyrite vein.

Worth an assay or no? And sorry for being rude but I was pretty riled up from harolds remarks about the stuff being worthless. And whoever PMed me about the assay if you see this message PM me and you can have this vial for assay, I just need to know cost thanks! But now from what I have heard from these threads an assay is the obvious choice.

Like I said, I'm sorry for being a jerkoff but that's just how I roll when someone dissrespects me, I'll be good from here on out cause this forum has lots of good info and can probably help me after the assay is complete. You can ban me, but I have a non-static IP and lots of emails so I'll only just come back for more. Noxx. :evil:

Edit: BTW, the sand was from Northern B.C and the rock with the pyrite is from northwest Ontario. The mine from which the rock came from had lots of pyrite, but obviously also gold. Both materials are very similar.
At this point, he is speaking for himself, and likely anyone else with the knowledge to have acutally helped. Harold is not your big problem any longer.
AKDan said:
At this point, he is speaking for himself, and likely anyone else with the knowledge to have acutally helped. Harold is not your big problem any longer.

Funny how that works. Obviously my opinion no longer matters, nor do I care to change any of yours. I was rude to whoever was rude to me...done and done.


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