GOLD in SAND refining

Gold Refining Forum

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KUMAR said:
I'll be good from here on out cause this forum has lots of good info and can probably help me after the assay is complete.


KUMAR said:
You can ban me, but I have a non-static IP and lots of emails so I'll only just come back for more. Noxx. :evil:

You do realize that Noxx OWNS this forum?

You keep trying to make enemies of those that can help you. Everyone here is indebted and beholding to Noxx for starting and hosting this fine forum. He was also very instrumental in attracting the fine talented individuals we have here that help all for free, of those Harold was the first.

I will say for your benefit and others that pyrites are one of the most likely ores to contain arsenides that can easily poison or kill you if processed incorrectly.
You've got a non-static IP? Lots of emails?

So essentially he's threatening us?

We have answers for that. My advice to this fellow is to either leave, or keep quiet and read.

You had the option of apologizing and assimilating and having people (possibly) help you.

Wasn't it Ghandi who said "an eye for an eye and the world will soon be blind"? Your quid pro quo with people who likely know better will get you nowhere.

You've got more than several things you can do with that material to determine if it is gold and how much. All of that and more is here, but you'll get no help from me when you disrespect another moderator, and foremost a friend. I like to hope that people will learn how to think here, not just follow recipes in a monkey-see, monkey-do fashion.
KUMAR said:
You can ban me, but I have a non-static IP and lots of emails so I'll only just come back for more. Noxx. :evil:

Dam, I always seem to miss the good stuff. I've been watching him since the beginning. :shock:

Non static Ip hugh, Well good thing for me that don't matter. I'll just take the system down instead of your Ip address.

You need to watch who you piss off. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

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