HCL-CL +pins

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Nov 13, 2008
can HCL-CL disolve gold on pins , is any one try this ever though i belive if the peroxide work slowly on pins and eat the basmetals may be Cl2 may work on pins plated gold is anyone try this method?
The idea is to dissolve the base metals first that the gold is on / bonded to
and THEN you can go after the gold. Dissolving first with HCL-CL will not only dissolve the gold into solution
but it will also get other metals into solution which will get dragged along with the gold you are after and will result in
something other than the purity of the gold that you are hopefully trying to achieve.

Stick to what the others preach here and you will do well. If you choose to do otherwise, good luck is all I can say.
Be patient!!!! Read, study and practice the processes discussed. And by all means, please do so with your safety and
the safety of others in the forefront of your mind - please!
it would work, but is not advisable as there would be a huge amount of reagents used and then you will have trouble getting your small amount of gold back from all of that copper,

the sulfuric cell will serve better for this purpose,

there are also other methods, that will not use not use large amounts of acid to dissolve the copper and leave your gold undissloved.

if you dissolve gold with allot of copper you will have a harder time retrieving the gold.
kamranashraf, i have done a small experiment of dissolving pins (50g) with HCL+Cl thinking it will be easyer to clean powder... but final conclusion led me to understanding that it's not worth the amount of chemicals i have used.....


soaking plated pins in an AP solution 2 parts HCL 1 part H2O2 will dissolve the pins fairly fast (5-9) days with a fish tank bubbler 24/7.
this will leave you with foils and dust like particles.
but also here, the amount of chemicals is pretty large... for every 50g or so of pins you will need around 300-350 ml of AP, otherwise, it just won't do the job and the pins will not be effected at all....

Good luck

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