Heating while removing base metals

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metalfish AR

Well-known member
Feb 12, 2010
How long shouldI I heat while removing base metal,and at what temp 1lb.of pins I have a reg.hot plate thanks for your attention .
How long shouldI I heat while removing base metal,and at what temp 1lb.of pins
Until your solution is saturated(will not dissolve anymore base metals).You do not want to boil the solution,that will only evaporate and condense it faster.Warming it up just below boiling will do fine.If you have an erlenmeyer flask that will help keep the evaporation down.
Thank you Johnny, appreciate it.

Hey, I was thinking of having a barbecue out by the river soon and you and your family are more than welcome to come if you like...let me know.

Also, can I add HCL to my solution that is actively precipitating as it is evaporating and doesn't seem like enough liquid is in there. Will it cause my solution to no longer be "neutralized"? and does this matter?
It is still Armando, I was logged in under my wife's account...sorry if that confused you!!
Yes you can add more Hcl,however the salts will remain as the solution evaporates,hence the more it evaporates the more saturated with salt it will become.To alleviate that,Let the solution cool and decant.Then start again with clean Hcl.
Do you know why I would still show so much of a presence of gold in my solution even though it has been precipitating for a while? This has never happened to me before.
metalfish AR said:
Do you know why I would still show so much of a presence of gold in my solution even though it has been precipitating for a while? This has never happened to me before.

Is the solution AR or HCL/Clorox?

And I guess you are using SMB?
It is AR and I use Shor materials so it is called subzero which is a substitute for nitric and the precipitant is called storm precipitant...I am not sure other than that what is in it or what it is composed of.
With Shor I can't help you a bit.Sorry

You might want to just set the solution in a corner after adding a little more percipitant and let it do it's buisness.

I have a bucket of diluted HCL/clorox that has already been dropped with SMB in the middle of November. I have left it in the bucket after recovering the gold. I have already pulled another small batch off of it around the first of the year. I still have dark material dropping out. After I get finished with some processes I'm going to boil it down and see if I can get anything else out of it. So you might just be going thru a similar thing I am.
Thank you for trying!! I have spoke to Johnny about the shor products and the customer service rep there, he is not helpful at all. It looks like I have a bunch of the precipitant settled at the bottom of my solution. I am going to go ahead and try what you said and see how that works. Wow, you have been working off of one that long, huh? Crazy...Thanks again for your help.
It's the stuff out of this thread.


I haven't been working off of it. I have just let it set in the bucket because I felt there might still be a small quantity of material left in it even tho all test told me the was nothing there. It's been setting outside so it has been tru freeing and everything else for the last few months. I just haven't botherd to mess with it to see what would happen to it. I have put SMB to it the original time to drop my gold, and 2 other times since then. Trying to learn you know how it goes.

I have processed a lot of stuff since this batch but this one tought me a lot and I had some great help.

Can't Johnny get you away from Shor.
Yeah, we realized shor isn't the best source but we just had orderered a large amount of materials (the nitric substitute called subzero and storm precipitant) from them so we are trying to use them up. Listen to this: Before I got your response Johnny said I could add some more HCL to it since the liquid seemed to be evaporating so I did. Before that I was registering gold in the liquid very much so (it was very dark, the test drop I did with the precious metal detection fluid, stannous) Now, it isn't registering gold in the solution and there is nothing in the bottom of container, no "mud" or anything. UGHH! I am goin nuts here! I know the gold didn't just dissapear so where is it?! Maybe someone out there knows if you don't Barren?
Maybe it is precipitating properly and like you said barren, I just need to let it sit and do it's thing for a while. It just has never taken this long so I was getting very concerned, as I am sure you can understand!
metalfish AR said:
Yeah, we realized shor isn't the best source but we just had orderered a large amount of materials (the nitric substitute called subzero and storm precipitant) from them so we are trying to use them up. Listen to this: Before I got your response Johnny said I could add some more HCL to it since the liquid seemed to be evaporating so I did. Before that I was registering gold in the liquid very much so (it was very dark, the test drop I did with the precious metal detection fluid, stannous) Now, it isn't registering gold in the solution and there is nothing in the bottom of container, no "mud" or anything. UGHH! I am goin nuts here! I know the gold didn't just dissapear so where is it?! Maybe someone out there knows if you don't Barren?

LeftyTheBandit quoted:
Your acid solution may be too concentrated. Take a small sample (drop) and dilute 50% with water and test again. You may be dissolving it as fast as it indicates. (this has never happened to me, I have seen others talk of it though)

Similar thing happened to me in that thread I had a link to. What I ended up doing when it happened is I put 3 drops of solution on a small saucer and added 3 drops or water to the solution to dilute it and my test showed more positive.
You may not have consumed all the nitrates and the addition of more HCL may have reactivated your solution?

How would you know all the sub zero was gone.

Just a guess.

What sort of ratio does Shor call for?

Instead of poormans AR (complications) have you considered making poormans nitric from the sub zero and sulfuric to get the base metals out first?
Yes, I am already adding the subzero to the acid to dissolve the base metals, I kinda came to that conclusion on my own so I guess im not doing too bad!! Thanks for the suggestions on the testing for dissolved metals, I will definitely use that next time I have an issue.

If I understand your question of the ratio shor calls for correctly it is one pound subzero to 1/2 gallon on muriatic, HCL. I think that is what you meant, correct?

I am still just letting it sit and do it's thing like someone else here told me to try and I will see how that works.
Like always I appreciate everyone's great help!
look at GSP posts on using as little nitric to get the job done,
also Steve has posted some good info in that reguard with his poor mans aqua regia.

as far as I know, Shor sells nitrate based fertilizers for poormans aqua regia.
Im sorry guys for leaving him hanging,but I had to go out of town yesterday afternoon,its 2 in the morning and I just walked in the door.If he still has more trouble I will try to pick it back up in the morning.

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