Heating while removing base metals

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Barren Realms 007 said:
With Shor I can't help you a bit.Sorry

You might want to just set the solution in a corner after adding a little more percipitant and let it do it's buisness.

I have a bucket of diluted HCL/clorox that has already been dropped with SMB in the middle of November. I have left it in the bucket after recovering the gold. I have already pulled another small batch off of it around the first of the year. I still have dark material dropping out. After I get finished with some processes I'm going to boil it down and see if I can get anything else out of it. So you might just be going thru a similar thing I am.

I noticed the same thing. I've been saving all my rinse water from just washing my parts off after they come out of ap. But mine is finely divided pieces of gold flakes and foils. As my rinse waters sit for about a month and a half in a plastic drum the fine copper falls out of the water. No metal or anything being placed in it. I drained the drum last week and go about 2 grams of fine fine gold after i cleaned the powder up. This stuff is so fine i place some on a slide to look at it and when i went to pick the slide up if was influenced by the static charge of my body, even from like an inch and a half away. I use compressed air in a plastic drum. When i hit the air it almost doubles in volume the amount of solution in the drum. A whole lot of aeration. So the gold foils get blasted off and after the ride they are fine size to say the least so it is important that i wash any plastic parts or anything real good. So after i take them out of ap i have another drum set up with the rinse water and the same air mixture so the parts get scrubbed clean. I then filter that and recover about 25 % of my overall gold. Then i place that rinse water in a plastic drum to sit. This is where i have been getting my gold back. 2 grams in about a month. But here's the funny thing I filtered that rinse water 3 times dam good before it went into that drum just to make sure and i still missed it.
I must admit i always had settlement tanks set up and everything from the refining solutions was passed through them just to be sure,rinses included,it always amazed me how much Au was recovered,perhaps it was just sloppy workmanship but i always recovered Au when i treated the accumulated sediments every 6 months or so.
Thanks for all they replies...I have been busy and not been on the forum for a little while.
Everyone seems to be in agreement on removing base metals with HCL first. When that is said and done...how do you remove the small quanitity of gold from the large quantity of trash (base metals) that are left over. (In other words, how do you decant and seperate your gold material from the left over junk metal) Are the base metals supposed to dissolve COMPLETELY before you take your gold out of the HCL and go on to the refining process?
metalfish AR said:
Thanks for all they replies...I have been busy and not been on the forum for a little while.
Everyone seems to be in agreement on removing base metals with HCL first. When that is said and done...how do you remove the small quanitity of gold from the large quantity of trash (base metals) that are left over. (In other words, how do you decant and seperate your gold material from the left over junk metal) Are the base metals supposed to dissolve COMPLETELY before you take your gold out of the HCL and go on to the refining process?

If you have completely removed the base metals from your material with HCL, HCL/peroxide then the rest of the material left should not react with HCL when you do your final washing. The material should be in a container that you can heat up. Coffee pot on hot plate. Put twice the volume of HCL as the material you have. heat the solution to 104C/140F and add clorox in small amounts. The clorine gas that is formed will react and disolve the gold. Filter this solution and drop your gold with SMB.

Take a look at this thread and I think it will help you out on what to do.

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