Help needed lazersteve goldsilverpro or anyone

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when sorting pins, I am trying to cut and keep only part which is goldplated this will save me acids but if there is not solder present you can process them in cell whole as they are now. if they are taken off the board by heat - there will be good amount of solder still present on them.
from this picture I can say that there is about ten times more of solder that gold on your pins. on few places you can see big blobs of it. this will cause several problems when refining.

on my picture /not good quality taken by phone/ there are simmilar pins cut just in place where not plated - no solder on them.

Those items are not microprocessors.They have very little gold and you will need hundreds of kilos to get a few grams of gold.

Do you want to take a look to real microprocessors with gold?....let it be,here they are.

This file was posted some time ago,it is not mine but I think it is very useful.

Best regards.

Heres a hint, I shear off pins to keep the solder from getting in the mix as they are a lot easier to run for me when sheared.
Also, you can shear the boards flush and rough short with screens to sort by size.


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