help please gold will not drop

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Active member
Jan 9, 2010
Hi guys,

I started with some pins, acid peroxide then i went to the hcl cl. I am using bonide stump out and the gold just will not drop. when i add the bonide the solution just keeps getting lighter. I bought steves dvd and followed every step. He suggested i heat it to drive off the clorox. I heated it for two days. My test shows there is gold. It just will not drop. Any sugestions on where I went wrong or what to do? Right now it is still on heat. I tried to add some hcl and that did nothing.
What kind of pins are you working with?

How many pins did you start with?

How much fluid are you working with?

How much SMB did you add?

It could be that you have such a small amount of gold in a large amount of fluid and it will take a long time to drop the gold.
I heated it for two days. My test shows there is gold. It just will not drop. Any sugestions on where I went wrong or what to do? Right now it is still on heat.
Unless you added a gallon of can stop heating it.
I bought steves dvd and followed every step.
We need accurate details of what you did.Did you make notes of the amounts of chemicals used?Or times?If so post those.So far it sounds like you just heated it so long that you concentrated the solution by evaporation.That will cause the gold to molecularly "bond" with the any copper in the solution.Getting it back may range from easy to borderline impossible.The easiest way to tell if thats the problem is rehydrate with water,and see if the gold drops on its own.If not then add a little more smb,and watch for a reaction.If it turns cloudy then clear again and nothing drops then you have something in the solution that is redigesting the gold.If it does not turn cloudy,then its just not being precipitated at all.Which means you need to consider dropping everything with zinc and starting over.
Don't get overwhelmed.This all sounds more difficult than it is.Just start by posting your quantities like barren asked.One of us will take it from there.
Double check the label on your stump out.

They may have changed formulas.

If the chemicals aren't listed on the label get the MSDS for the exact product you have.

I used 2 batches,

1st one had mostly gold plated pins 1 lb. after the nitric treatment filtering and rinsing ..I added 2 cups of muriatic acid and 1 1/2 cups of clorox, I then added 2 tsps of smb, i saw the brown and then it dissapeared. I then heated it for a couple more hours. I then added the smb again. Nothing happened. The solution just turned a light yellow.
I am having a similar issue as this one posted but I think I finally got it figured out. I am wondering if it is okay to dilute the precipitant in a small amount of boiling hot water before pouring it into AR solution that has been filtered very well and showing a very high gold content. Or should I just add the precipitant straight to it. I have gotten different suggestions on this and am wondering what you guys think...maybe steve, barren or johnny could have some insight on this?
michelemalatesta said:

I used 2 batches,

1st one had mostly gold plated pins 1 lb. after the nitric treatment filtering and rinsing ..I added 2 cups of muriatic acid and 1 1/2 cups of clorox, I then added 2 tsps of smb, i saw the brown and then it dissapeared. I then heated it for a couple more hours. I then added the smb again. Nothing happened. The solution just turned a light yellow.

If you started with 1 lb of pins you might have 2 grams of gold there.

Did you incenerate after the nitric treatment?

Did you boil with water 3 times after the nitric treatment?

2 cups of HCL and 1-1/2 cup of clorox.

Did you add the clorox in small increments or a lot at a time? How long of a time did it take you to add the clorox?

You can disolve an oz of gold in about 5-6ounces of HCL/CL mix, you have roughly 28 oz of fluid you are working with. Keep your fluids to a minimum.

Did you dilute this with water? If so this adds even more fluid you are dealing with.

Sorry to get off track, to answer your question it sounds like you still have nitric still in the mix or still too much chlorine.

Have you tested this with stannous to see what reaction you get?

If you have and you get a reaction does the reaction hold or does it dissapear on the tester?

If it dissapears put 3 drops of solution on a plate and add 3 drops of water to dilute it and see if the test color holds.

You will probably have to add about 3 cups of water and boil down to about 3 cups of fluid to make sure that all your chlorine is out. But if you still have nitric in the mix you will have to do diffrently.
When i do a test, the it turns brown and stays brown. I did not boil 3 times. do you think i still have nitric in the solution?
I would add about 3 cups of water like I said and boil this down to almost your original HCL amount to make sure you have the chlorine out and then see if it will drop the gold. You probably don't have to boil all the water out. If you are still having the problem and you have it boiled down and it still does not drop the gold out you might be able to add some urea to remove the nitiric. I wouldn't boil hard I would do a slow evaporation on it. I have learned paitence. And I don't mix the 2 process. HCL/nitirc----HCL/clorox. But that is just me.

Hope this helps.
When i do a test, the it turns brown and stays brown. I did not boil 3 times. do you think i still have nitric in the solution?
Testing is much different than precipitating with smb.With smb you are using sulfur to drop,and if chlorine or AR is still present then it will redissolve the gold.
However testing uses tin to displace the metals in solution,forcing everything out,that is why your test stays brown though you can't get the gold to drop.
I would add about 3 cups of water like I said and boil this down to almost your original HCL amount to make sure you have the chlorine out and then see if it will drop the gold. You probably don't have to boil all the water out. If you are still having the problem and you have it boiled down and it still does not drop the gold out you might be able to add some urea to remove the nitiric.
Barren if he did not incinerate,then you are assuming what I am,which is....he still has nitrate residue on the foils and has created AR.The fastest way to address this would be to boil it down now while it is still concentrated.Then add Hcl to original level,dilute with H2o and try to precipitate.Ha ha ha I got one on you!Ok now whats the score?!!?!?
leavemealone said:
When i do a test, the it turns brown and stays brown. I did not boil 3 times. do you think i still have nitric in the solution?
Testing is much different than precipitating with smb.With smb you are using sulfur to drop,and if chlorine or AR is still present then it will redissolve the gold.
However testing uses zinc to displace the metals in solution,forcing everything out,that is why your test stays brown though you can't get the gold to drop.
I would add about 3 cups of water like I said and boil this down to almost your original HCL amount to make sure you have the chlorine out and then see if it will drop the gold. You probably don't have to boil all the water out. If you are still having the problem and you have it boiled down and it still does not drop the gold out you might be able to add some urea to remove the nitiric.
Barren if he did not incinerate,then you are assuming what I am,which is....he still has nitrate residue on the foils and has created AR.The fastest way to address this would be to boil it down now while it is still concentrated.Then add Hcl to original level,dilute with H2o and try to precipitate.Ha ha ha I got one on you!Ok now whats the score?!!?!?

Yep that is what I'm thinking is he is fighting the nitric. I can't remember about adding urea with clorx in the solution if it will do any good. When I use nitric that is what I use is urea. BUT I DON'T MIX THE PROCESSES WITHOUT PROPER ACTIONS.

ROFL, you have been here way longer than I have no way I will catch up to you. :mrgreen:

Johnny uses nitric more than I do follow what his suggestion is on dealing with it.

You won't get this straighted out till we get the straight story.

First post you said you started with AP. And went to HCL/Cl and heated for 2 days to drive off chlorine.

Second post you said you used nitric. And heated for 2 hours.

What is the real story?
I had to read and reread that several times.I respond so many times that I guess I missed that one.Well I have a question.......michele are you and metalfish the same person?If so please refrain from posting using several accounts.It helps us more if we know not just the problem....but the person too.If you are not the same person,then continue and answer qst's questions.
leavemealone said:
I had to read and reread that several times.I respond so many times that I guess I missed that one.Well I have a question.......michele are you and metalfish the same person?If so please refrain from posting using several accounts.It helps us more if we know not just the problem....but the person too.If you are not the same person,then continue and answer qst's questions.

ROFLMAO, That was great......... 8)
No, I am not metalfish. I don't know who that is. I used nitric acid to dissolve the base metals. Someone asked me if i rinsed the nitric 3 times. Because i used clorox hcl, i assumed he was talking about when i dissolve the base metals.

After letting the qtips sit overnight, the dark brown that I got last night did dissapear.

Before you explain to me how to fix this, do you know what i could have done wrong? It seems that everytime I process, I have the same results. Could it be that i'm using to much clorox? I also know that I used to much smb, when the brown kept dissapearing, i kept adding smb.
Im sorry Barren, I missed your post. I just went back to re read . Thank you for your reply, I will do that now. Boil the solution down. I will let you know.

Thanks again.
Whoa whoa whoa.Hang on a minute! I asked you to answer qst's questions.We need more information about what you have already done....before we can give you accurate answers to the problems you are having.If you want us to help you,then you need to help us first.We can't diagnose a problem without first knowing exactly what was done to that point.Understand?I am not trying to be rude,I promise,but you completly avoided what I asked you to do,and proceeded to say you were going to boil it down.
Understand this,if you continue down this path,there is a good chance you will end up with more,and possibly worse,problems than you are having right now.If that happens you will have at least one person(me) that will hesitate to help you in the future.I do not speak for anyone else on the forum,but we frown on members asking for help then not doing what they were advised to do to fix the problem.
I used nitric acid to dissolve the base metals. Someone asked me if i rinsed the nitric 3 times. Because i used clorox hcl, i assumed he was talking about when i dissolve the base metals.
Before you explain to me how to fix this, do you know what i could have done wrong?
If it were me I would add zinc until everything dropped out and start over from scratch using only Hcl,however if you would like to salvage what you have started then...........
Lets start over from the beginning.You said you used nitric to dissolve the base metals.No problem.
(A)If you did not completly dissipate,or neutralize the excess nitric that was left on the foils then that is the first problem.
If you have urea,then let the solution cool to room tempurature,add just enough filtered water to bring the level back up to what you started with and add one or two balls of urea.Did the balls bubble or fizz? If so then you have unused nitric.If you do not have urea,then continue here.However if you do have urea and it did not fizz,or if you incinerated the foils before starting to make your auric chloride,then continue below at (C).
(B)If you have urea,then you need to add about 10 balls at a time,stir the solution once the balls have dissolve,and continue with this until the balls no longer fizz or bubble.If you do not have urea,you need to condense the solution by evaporating it and adding small amounts of Hcl to drive off the excess nitric.Considering the level of nitric is most likely very little I will only ask you to evaporate it once.If you had used AR you would need to evaporate more than this due to the higher ratio of nitric.Simply boil the solution(slowly) down to almost a syrup consistency.Make sure you do not boil it fast,if you do,you will more than likely burn the salts that will self precipitate during the evaporation process.After you have boiled the solution down,let it cool out in the open(NOT in the refridgerator or freezer)
for about 10 minutes.Then slowly add enough Hcl to bring the solution to the level that you started with,stirring slowly.
(C)At this point we will assume the only potential problem is the addition of too much salts from the smb.You will need to dilute the 1-1 with water,then decide how to precipitate.I would not suggest using smb again,seeing how you already have an abundance of added salts,I would suggest using copperas,2-1 and washing the powder very well.
If you still have a problem after using this advice it is possible your gold has bonded with the copper in solution,in which case you must drop everything with zinc and start over.Either way,keep us up to speed on your progress so we'll know what went wrong if you have another problem.

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