help with crockpot

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Well-known member
May 11, 2008
I decided to handle the contents of my crockpot the other day. Its a combination of various accumulated solutions containing HCL, nitric and Peroxide, plus whatever metal was disolved by the different solutions. I started by filtering the liquid and had an emerald green clear solution. I put in a piece of copper and let it sit. I checked it the next day and had what would best be described as pea soup, creamy green and thick. What the heck happened and more importantly, what can I do to resolve it?
Emerald green clear is good to start but maybe it is a bit too concentrated. Did you boil it down to concentrate it? I'd let it sit to see if it does settle, but probably by now it has sat and you've decided to ask.

I'd add some hydrochloric and wait, usually pea green is metal hydroxides but you didn't add any caustic. Take a small sample, and cut it 25% with hydrochloric. Take another sample and cut it 50% with hydrochloric. Then wait and see what works best.
Yes it was boiled down, about 3+ gals down to ~1, and has sat for about 4 days with the copper in it. No caustic has been added to any solution that was in the pot. I'll try the HCL and see if I can get a solution that will filter.