Help with some P2's

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Nov 18, 2008
Lake City, FL
Hello again everyone,

I have started a batch of P2's and am trying to avoid some of the problems I have already experienced. I have about 30 P2's I have given a two hour hard boil in HCl. My intention was to eliminate as much Tin as possible, especially where the heat caps were soldered on. After the two hour boil I have been letting them soak (about 2 days now). I have noticed a crystal precipitate and a rather large amount of it. It is white to silvery in color and fairly large. The HCl solution is clear green. What is this crystal precipitate? I know the HCl has a lot of tin and copper in it, could the crystals be Silver?

Thanks again as always for all your help!

Edited spelling errors
My guess, and that's exactly what it is----is the crystals are tin. They may have a slightly yellow/green appearance if that be the case.

Try re-dissolving by adding a little more HCl, heating, then diluting with ample water. Discard the solution after proper treatment. It should NOT contain anything of value to you. If it did, it would have reacted with a color from the tin in solution.

There is no way you can grow silver crystals from a chloride solution.

P2's very very little gold in them....sould sell them on ebay, then buy gold for spot and still make money LOL

Good Luck

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