Hi newby here, I'm wanting to start up a leaching process using Jin Chan and carbon, so far I have the Jin Chan and carbon and some sample dirt .

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Roger Alter

Sep 25, 2024
Next I need some help to set up a sample set up to have a go.
I'm sort of stuck from here of which way to jump, is anyone else doing this process that can help please, I have an IBC that I can use.
Thanks in advance
What is Jin Chan?
I’m assuming that’s a brand name but of what chemical I have no clue and having some dirt doesn’t mean it has any values so what makes you think it has?
Most of these products dissolve the values very well but getting it back out of solution is something completely different , most struggle to get all the values out.
My advice is don’t use it in volume until you have run small tests to check you can recover your values and in honesty you need assays to check you do get all your values out which can get expensive.
Jin Chan is a substitute for cyanide,

Though I can not say this for sure - I am willing to bet that this (Jin Chan) is the exact same product as Eco-Goldex (it is likely just the "made in China" version of it

And - if that is true - then it in in fact not a substitute for cyanide - but is in fact cyanide

I do not have time right now to explain (in this thread) what I am saying - so please go to this thread (link) & read everything I have posted there including any & all links in that thread & other links in other threads that I have posted about "this type product"


And be forewarned - if Jin Chan is anything like (&/or the same) as Eco-Goldex then it will do a good job of putting the gold into solution - BUT - you will have a VERY difficult time trying to get your gold back out of solution

And be forewarned - if Jin Chan is anything like (&/or the same) as Eco-Goldex then it will do a good job of putting the gold into solution - BUT - you will have a VERY difficult time trying to get your gold back out of solution

Thanks Kurt that's why I'm on here so I don't make the same mistake someone else has done,
Thanks Kurt that's why I'm on here so I don't make the same mistake someone else has done,
Welcome to us.
Just a few questions.
What kind of ore do you have?
How do you know it has Gold?

There is a reason why the big boys use straight chemicals and not magic concoctions as JinChan and Eco Goldex can be classified as.
These are usually some kind of complex that leaches out the Gold relatively easy, but holds on to it afterwards so it is hard to get it out.

Better use straight Cyanide or Ferri/Ferro Cyanide.
These are relatively cheap and the Gold can relatively easy be precipitated or absorbed out of solution.
Each of these has their own quirks and need to treated with respect as any other chemical also do.
Welcome to us.
Just a few questions.
What kind of ore do you have?
How do you know it has Gold?

There is a reason why the big boys use straight chemicals and not magic concoctions as JinChan and Eco Goldex can be classified as.
These are usually some kind of complex that leaches out the Gold relatively easy, but holds on to it afterwards so it is hard to get it out.

Better use straight Cyanide or Ferri/Ferro Cyanide.
These are relatively cheap and the Gold can relatively easy be precipitated or absorbed out of solution.
Each of these has their own quirks and need to treated with respect as any other chemical also do.
Does filtering through carbon not work for recovery?
I have a gold prospecting lease and I have alluvial gold and gold bearing ore.
Does filtering through carbon not work for recovery?
I have a gold prospecting lease and I have alluvial gold and gold bearing ore.
I'm not sure how effective that is with JinChan/Eco Goldex type of product.
Do you have a leaching procedure?

How do you treat the ore prior to leaching?
Is it possible to gravity separate/concentrate?
I'm not sure how effective that is with JinChan/Eco Goldex type of product.
Do you have a leaching procedure?

How do you treat the ore prior to leaching?
Is it possible to gravity separate/concentrate?
Hi I don't believe gravity separation would work due to low concentration of ore, pre treatment was just looking at crushing, then leaching, then carbon collection, then not sure whether electro winning or firing.
Thought I'd ask before doing, not usually my style, usually bull at a gate and just do it.
Trying new format in my more mature years lol.
Thanks Kurt that's why I'm on here so I don't make the same mistake someone else has done,

That is what we are here for - to help new members not make mistakes (if they ask "before" diving in) &/or how to fix mistakes (if they dive in before asking)

If you read this thread that Martijn provided a link to you will see that he (Martijn) after reviewing the documents provided by Jin Chan - that "buried" in those documents is the "truth" that this product is "in fact" a cyanide leaching process
Do you have a manual with actual instructions on how to use your product in stead of this one sentence?:

In other words - from their own document (Jin Chan) says that when using this product it needs to be done "in accordance with the conventional cyanide process"

These companies (Jin Chan &/or Eco-Goldex) are only able to get away with "claiming" their products are eco friendly & safe because the potassium ferri/ferro cyanide is in fact safe as a product they can sell & ship - BUT - once you dissolve it to use it as a leaching agent it in fact becomes (potassium) cyanide

And that is because their product is potassium cyanide that is complexed with iron & as long as the cyanide is complexed with iron it is a safe product --- so they can make the "claim" that it is a safe product (for selling & shipping)

BUT - what they have also done - is add other chemicals that allows the iron to "disassociate" from the cyanide thereby "freeing up" the cyanide to work as cyanide --- so you MUST work with it exactly the same way you would if you had started with actual cyanide in the first place

The BIG problem with these products is getting your gold back from the leach solutions & that is because of the "other" chemicals they have added to the ferri/ferro potassium cyanide to disassociate the iron --- those "other" chemicals make getting your gold back VERY difficult

You can read more about that here -----------



AND - I can tell you this - even IF (the BIG IF) you are able to recover gold (as described in above links) you will NOT know if you recovered all of your gold unless you have ICP &/or AA testing equipment to test your leach solutions with (& ICP or AA test equipment is VERY expensive equipment)


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