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Well-known member
Jul 8, 2008
everyone process their filters.

if you burn them, some of the ash floats away.
do you cover them?
do you put them in a pot with a lid on it

If you trim your filters as Hoke recommends the parts that contain values resist floating as long as you don't rush the burning. That's just based on my small scale observations. Others may have better ideas.
I cover the stainless bowl I burn them in with a large circular metal frying pan screen so the floaters stay in the bowl.

I usually used a stainless tray with a screen on top of it. At the same time, I have been known to use a 50/50 mix of gas and diesel, especially when the papers are still damp.
There is a very good reason why my fume hood had a filter system, one for recovering values lost in smoke and vapors. It's not as uncommon as you might choose to believe. Something as simple as a furnace filter can be used, resulting in the recovery of considerable value, depending on the amount of material handled.

Considering I refined on a daily basis, and handled hundreds of ounces of gold, it was common for me to recover eight ounces of gold from the fume hood when it was cleaned out about every second year. That does NOT include the gold that came from filters that were changed as was necessary. They were useful until there was enough flow restriction when incinerating.

Loss to dusting can't be avoided, but it can be recovered with a respectable amount of reliability. I proved that by checking the discharge system from my hood past the filter. Over years of operation, where was virtually nothing in the way of values deposited.

thank you all for repling to my ad
it is very helpful and gives me some ideas when i go yard sale shopping this spring


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