how/what to obtain for starting goldrefining

Gold Refining Forum

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Hello forum
im janus from denmark.
Just saw your videos on youtube.
got interested in the process since i am in posession of about 500kg of used CPUs which contains gold
(dont ask why i just havent gotten around to cleaning out the storagerooms for old parts)

but what to get and where ?
really hope for some good helping answers since im new to this plus danish so my english might be lacking quite a bit on all the chemical stuff
The very best advice I can offer you is to get a copy of Hoke's book and start reading. It is in English, so hopefully you can deal with the language barrier.

Hoke's book won't deal directly with the processing of electronic scrap, but what it will do for you is familiarize you with the language used in chemistry at a layman's level, plus it will teach you the fundamentals of refining various precious metals. There are excellent instructions on how to test, and how to make test and standard solutions, all of which are essential to the successful refiner.

Once you understand the principles of refining, you will find a generous number of methods here on the board that allow you to refine without procuring some of the more difficult to obtain chemicals. Nitric acid is one of them. There are several alternatives to its use, all of which are effective, if a bit slower.

Welcome to the forum.

ok but lets take the matter at hand i need to extract the gold from old computer CPUs what do i need for that process and how do i make any parts difficult to obtain

what i quess i seek is a kind of step by step easy to follow guide with little or no technical matters to take notice

a kind of put in the key and start up guide if you will
What type of CPU's do you have?

Different types have different methods and some are not worth processing at all.

All the info you need to get started is here on the forum.
You will have to read through and find the step by step guide you are looking for.

A good start would be to find a post by Lazersteve and follow the links he has at the bottom of his posts.

Danishpastry you have had two very good responses. Harold is one of our senior members and any advice he gives i strongly suggest you listen to as it is always spot on and will guide you to your goal.While you hope to just set up and refine your cpus if you encounter any problems ( which you will ) if you dont understand the basics how do you sort them out or better still avoid them.Buzz pointed out that some of your material may not be worth the cost and effort to recover, again im sure he knows the type of material through experience,there is no sure fire way to refine that works every time as the materials we handle has many different contaminants and metals which cause major problems.Take the advice and learn or list your material on here and sell it to members who know how to handle it.
I have an answer, just send them to me, I'll send you back 90% of the gold.
1% of course going to the forum.
This is my new idea just do it for people. Seems faster?
I have an answer, just send them to me, I'll send you back 90% of the gold.
1% of course going to the forum.
This is my new idea just do it for people. Seems faster?

Damn, Shadybear. If you can only take 10% (actually 9%) of the gold on CPUs and make a profit, you've been able to accomplish what no refiner in the world has. Please excuse me for having doubts about this.
NIck wrote
Danishpastry you have had two very good responses.Harold is one of our senior members and any advice he gives i strongly suggest you listen to as it is always spot on and will guide you to your goal.

Could not have said it better myself.It's better to take a few days and read,than take a few weeks asking questions.If you read hoke and run into problems,you usually remember where to go back and find the answer,however if you become stuck we are always here to help.God helps those that help themselves.
goldsilverpro said:
I have an answer, just send them to me, I'll send you back 90% of the gold.
1% of course going to the forum.
This is my new idea just do it for people. Seems faster?

Damn, Shadybear. If you can only take 10% (actually 9%) of the gold on CPUs and make a profit, you've been able to accomplish what no refiner in the world has. Please excuse me for having doubts about this.

I am some what sure I could on fingers, cpus will have to be tried
i might just be special too
danishpastry said:
ok but lets take the matter at hand i need to extract the gold from old computer CPUs what do i need for that process and how do i make any parts difficult to obtain

what i quess i seek is a kind of step by step easy to follow guide with little or no technical matters to take notice

a kind of put in the key and start up guide if you will
You're a tough nut to crack, my friend.

Let me ask you a question.

Assuming you had a desire to play the piano, do you really think there's some magical thing I can tell you so you can instantly play like Jacques Loussier?

If you are not willing to take the time to learn some fundamental things about refining, don't you think it's a little beyond reason for you to expect others to hold your hand while you go through the learning curve? (And there will be a learning curve).

I do!

danishpastry said:
ok but lets take the matter at hand i need to extract the gold from old computer CPUs what do i need for that process and how do i make any parts difficult to obtain

what i quess i seek is a kind of step by step easy to follow guide with little or no technical matters to take notice

a kind of put in the key and start up guide if you will

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