I also went wrong somewhere! Please help!

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Well-known member
Dec 1, 2009
Started with about 5lbs of cell phone boards, I stripped most componants off, still had some. I did AP for 72 hours then brushed and rinsed all boards. Alot of gold flakes in solution. Filtered and rinsed. There was alot of componants, gray mud and gold flakes in filter. Then did HCL/CL all gold seemed to be disolved into a thick green solution not yellow, Filtered green solution let stand 24 hours, Thick silver/gray mud in filter with rest of componants. Dropped stump out(SMB)in solution, It made a dark gray/black mud at the bottom of the solution 24 hours later filtered. A small amount of gray/silver mud in filter. Solution still green. Where did I go wrong? Where is the gold? :cry:
chrishawn said:
Started with about 5lbs of cell phone boards, I stripped most componants off, still had some. I did AP for 72 hours then brushed and rinsed all boards. Alot of gold flakes in solution. Filtered and rinsed. There was alot of componants, gray mud and gold flakes in filter. Then did HCL/CL all gold seemed to be disolved into a thick green solution not yellow, Filtered green solution let stand 24 hours, Thick silver/gray mud in filter with rest of componants. Dropped stump out(SMB)in solution, It made a dark gray/black mud at the bottom of the solution 24 hours later filtered. A small amount of gray/silver mud in filter. Solution still green. Where did I go wrong? Where is the gold? :cry:

Sounds like your gold dropped. Did you test with stanious? The gray mud you talk a bout could be silver cloride. If you test for PGM's and get no reaction the green solution is the contamination that was still in with your gold flakes that the HCL/CL disoved that your original process didn't get out. Boil the solution for few minutes to make sure you have gotten rid of all the clorine in the solution and test again.
solution still does have a choking amount of clorine, not sure how to test with stanious
chrishawn said:
solution still does have a choking amount of clorine, not sure how to test with stanious

The clorine could redisolve the gold when you try to drop it out of solution. You need to boil this and get the clorine out to get positive results. I will find a link to the test and post it.
chrishawn said:
Started with about 5lbs of cell phone boards, I stripped most componants off, still had some. I did AP for 72 hours then brushed and rinsed all boards. Alot of gold flakes in solution. Filtered and rinsed. There was alot of componants, gray mud and gold flakes in filter. Then did HCL/CL all gold seemed to be disolved into a thick green solution not yellow, Filtered green solution let stand 24 hours, Thick silver/gray mud in filter with rest of componants. Dropped stump out(SMB)in solution, It made a dark gray/black mud at the bottom of the solution 24 hours later filtered. A small amount of gray/silver mud in filter. Solution still green. Where did I go wrong? Where is the gold? :cry:

You really need to spend some time on lazersteve's website and watch some videos on what is involved in refining escrap whether it be from cell phones or computers. You should always do your best to get all the components and gray mud out before you press on to the HCL/CL dissolving process. All that will end up doing is give you a "dirtier" solution than you really want. Dirtier meaning you have other base metals being dissolved along with your gold. That will just cause more problems for you IF you are trying to get high quality gold as your end product.

If you don't care about the quality of your "refined" gold, just forget you
read this post amigo and keep on keeping on. 8)
Thanks Glorycloud what do you think the quality of gold will be being that I processed 5 lbs cell boards with mud?
chrishawn, see if this thread will help you any. It was one of my batches that I got a lot of help on from some great people here.


The gray mud is copper I chloride. It dissolves easily in HCl. Always make sure it is all removed before you dissolve the residue in HCl-Cl.

If you don't remove it you will keep getting it back when you add more water to the solution.

SMB will also promote the formation of Copper I chloride if it is not removed before dissolving the gold.

Did I read correctly when the poster said he used Stump-out in place of SMB? I think possibly that there has been a mistake in chemicals used in the process, and that no gold was precipitated. Isn't stump-out generally potassium nitrate or related ?
AKDan said:
Did I read correctly when the poster said he used Stump-out in place of SMB? I think possibly that there has been a mistake in chemicals used in the process, and that no gold was precipitated. Isn't stump-out generally potassium nitrate or related ?

That is the way I read the post.
chrishawn said:
Thanks to all. Am i wrong by using stump out for smb?

Post subject: Re: separating pins from cpu's without nitric

what part of the world are you in? do you have auto parts stores? car batteries? If you do then you can buy battery acid which is sulfuric acid diluted to about 30 percent or so.
Spectra stump remover = potassium nitrate.
Combine the two and you will get a mixture that will work like nitric, but keep the solder out.

Or you can buy a distillation rig and distill the nitric, takes some learning and although it seems real easy
it tends to not be.

Concrete cleaner is HCL you may have the diluted green version but it will still work

Peroxide, used to clean wounds they have it at drug stores.


This thread might answer your question.

Search on stump out
the active ingredient in BONIDE stump out stump remover is SMB, I looked it up on the BONIDE site. THANKS TO ALL!
chrishawn said:
should i reprecipetate with smb or will the smb i already have put into it drop my gold?

You will loose you SMB during the boiling because it is the bubbles from the SMB that cause the reaction to drop the gold. So you will need to use more SMB.

Steve or someone could you move this to the original thread so it is not spead out.
chrishawn said:
solution still does have a choking amount of clorine, not sure how to test with stanious

Do you drive without using your eyes, too?

I will never understand why ANYONE would dissolve gold and not have a method for detecting where it is.

Let me give you a bit of advice.

Stop doing everything you've been doing and read Hoke. Don't attempt to refine until you understand what she tells you. That way you won't have to go before a huge number of people and ask questions for which you should already have the answer.

No, I'm not trying to be rude. I simply can't understand why folks jump in unknown water, then wonder why things don't work for them, when there's a ton of information at their disposal that will keep them out of trouble.

Thanks all, i wasint sure,but thanks for puting my post in its right place. by the way as far as stannous chloride i shaved 95%tin/5%somethingelse,heated with hcl,then just like Steves vid. took just foils [3or4] added hcl/cl to desolve, very nice yellow color heated to rid chlorine, put a drop of each on napkin and no purple does anyone know what happened

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