I Need Help Finding A Gold Refiner

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Oct 2, 2009
Hey Everyone,

I have successfully formed a company over the past two years called Gold Logistics & Development Inc. I had a refiner during the time, but when it came down to raising money it turned out that he was locked in contracts with a mine to develop their ore for two years. To make a long story short, I am now in need of someone who can process gold and possibly other PGM ore. This is a great opportunity for an individual refiner becasue I have already lined up the investors to build the refinery and now they are just waiting on us to find a refiner then we are off to the races.

I am posting this today because I do not know where to look in order to find this refiner. I can't just call an existing refienry and say I need a refiner, so what I am to do? My questions for eveyone are:

1) Do you or someone you know, possess the knowledge & experience to help build and process large quantities of gold ore?

I have a few different ore bodies that can possibily be used to run the refinery, but when the refiner comes on board, he will be able to run the show. The refiner will be able to choose which ore, choose the process and run this refinery. We do want to work with many junior miners to devlop the many mineral claims around the US.

2) Do you have any suggestions, resources, or anything that can help me? If so, please contact me at [email protected]

Any help would be greatly appreciated, Thanks!

David Saniti
Thanks to everyone so far on the private messages sent to me. Very good info and I appreciate all of it.
Palladium said:
How's the hunt going David ?

Well, to be honest I didn't necessarily get the response I was going for. However, I only tried one posting.

I thought this would be a good start to finding a refiner who knows how to separate gold in particle form from ore bodies throughout the US and abroad to take advantage of junior or small mine owners. We would take the gold price and make a fair deal for all parties, the mine owners and us, something that I have been hearing doesn’t happen often in this industry, I have been hearing that mine owners tend to get screwed by these large refining companies.

Anyways, the process doesn't seem that difficult to me (that is a bold over statement I'm sure) but if it is a passion of someone’s then it should be fun to work with multiple ores. I have visited a refinery, watched and learned most of the process and now I need to get a refiner on board who can do it.

The opportunity I represent is, in my opinion, awesome for someone who is a refiner. I have the investor relations and investor money waiting on a refinery to built. Long stroy to be short, we spent awhile with another refining company trying to make a joint venture to find out the terms didn't work between the refining company and us. We can't do a joint venture obviously, so I need a refiner to join our team as an executive and lead the company to prosperity.

Any suggestions?
AKDan said:
Where are you based out of?

We are based out of Austin Texas and would like to to build the large refinery here or San Antonio. We are open to other locations once we get a refiner.

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