I want to get it right this time

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Supporting Member
Jan 18, 2010
I have tried the Shor method, the bleach method and I have a bag of dry nitric that I want to try. Can someone please tell me the exact ratio of dry powdered nitric to muratic, with nitric in tablespoons and muratic in cups, quarts, etc.

My numerous problems (alot of difficulty getting gold to drop) are rooted in not performing the proper math in the beginning.

Would greatly appreciate input. I can't thank you guys enough, this site is a gold mine in its own right!

I found the "General Reaction List" and copied the following paste:

AR Recipie 2= Poor Man’s AR = 8 oz Sodium Nitrate, 480 ml water, 960 ml Muriatic
Acid plus heat. Used to dissolve high karat gold, gold powder, gold foils, dissolves
Platinum when hot. Excess nitric must be neutralized with Urea to pH 1 +/- 0.4, then
drop gold with SMB.

My question is, and excuse me for being a super Noob, but the 8oz. of sodium nitrate referenced are in crystal form? And, that the 480 ml. of water are to be mixed with sodium nitrate prior to adding to muriatic acid? Or, simply mix a soup?

Ok, What kind of CPU's? Are they ceramic? Are they fiber? Hace all the heat sinks and covers been removed to show all of your gold surfaces? Have you checked with a magnet to see if any of them contain steel?
Covers are all removed from ceramic cpus and have been broken up and gold dissolving is already complete. I have had no success gold dropping two bath solutions from bleach so I have decided to set aside for another season!!!
Just venting

My real issue is gold won't drop. Solutions have tested with strong gold (dark brown from stannous test.) I have reduced both solutions Twice (yes twice) and still won't precipitate.

I have never used Sodium nitrate but have in stock (in crystal form.) My math for HC1-C1 was not properly calculated but I have lost patience with my impatience. I plan to do the math proper and start over again with Sodium Nitrate and strictly follow The General Reaction List.

bklopsy said:
Covers are all removed from ceramic cpus and have been broken up and gold dissolving is already complete. I have had no success gold dropping two bath solutions from bleach so I have decided to set aside for another season!!!
Just venting

My real issue is gold won't drop. Solutions have tested with strong gold (dark brown from stannous test.) I have reduced both solutions Twice (yes twice) and still won't precipitate.

I have never used Sodium nitrate but have in stock (in crystal form.) My math for HC1-C1 was not properly calculated but I have lost patience with my impatience. I plan to do the math proper and start over again with Sodium Nitrate and strictly follow The General Reaction List.



Look we feel you pain. But please don't start another thread asking about the problem you are having with the current batch. You started this thead asking how to use a certain chemical under the vail of starting a new process with nitric. i would not have chimed in here if I had know your intentions. You will wear out your welcome quick if you continue on this path. There is no need to continue this. If you will have a little paitence and do some reading here on the forum you will possibly find your answer to your problem. There have been a lot of posts on the shore system you just have to look and read.
I truly appreciate your directness.

For clarity, my issue is knowing exactly when a solution is neutral and ready for precipitation. I have absolutely no means of testing for proper PH: so,I am guessing and have become frustrated. For this I do apologize.

My first refine with Shor had moderate success: my first ever small button. I was smiling from ear to ear. But, because of cost of Shors products, I chose to refine next batches with bleach. I started both with 1 part bleach to 3 parts HC1. I evaporated both solutions down twice and still can't get drop.

I had numerous beakers and hot plates so decided to refine two at the same time.

My other concern is that I do not know what Shor uses as their precipitant. The package states "Storm precipitant / Scrub Powder" Again, I am new to this, I know have not read enough, I don't know how many different precipitants there are and whether Shors precipitant is compatable with the clorox method.

In any event, I apologize for venting and will try not to repeat.

I chose to refine next batches with bleach. I started both with 1 part bleach to 3 parts HC1. I evaporated both solutions down twice and still can't get drop.

See if this might help you out some.


Are you using Sodium Metabisulfite to precipitate the gold?

I know it's a dumb question, but it's easy to confuse Sodium Metabisulfate with SMB.

I would guess you are using Storm Precipitant from Shor, which I believe is just regular SMB.

I am using Shors "storm precipitant."

I am boiling down, as I speak (6:25 EST), for a third time, to expel clorox oxidizer. Solution feedstock from Pentium pro Cpu's (10.) It took a while but metals did evaporate with help of heat. Have filtered solution three seperate times: no sediment remains. Stannus test shows very strong brown color

I tried to precipitate this morning and got almost close to clear in color and solution turned a medium brown (all within seconds) then stopped. Gold did and color remained brown all day. So I an back to cooking out clorox

Any other suggestions

It sounds like that brown is your gold. With only 10 CPU's you will not have a lot. Let that settle till the solution is clear and you will have your gold. Did you test again to make sure you have no morereaction with your test?

How much solution do you currently have?
That light brown throughout the whole day, that I started boiling about an hour ago has turned to a dark dark brown. It is under slight boil. I suppose I should take off heat??
I appreciate your enthusiasm but please try keeping this to 1 thread. I replied on your newest thread on the same batch.

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