Is there a chance that the precipatante I bought from:

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You need to be a bit more descriptive than that for anyone to help you. The name of the product you purchased and/or the element you are trying to precipitate would be a good start.
Your right. I purchased starter kit from Shor industries. Non of the chemicals i received have names on them. I am refining cpu/ewaste. the precipatant i am using is labeled storm Precipitant / scrubpowder.

I have never worked with Shor products so I am just taking a guess that it would be SMB that they are using to precipitate gold. SMB = Sodium metabisulfite = Na2S2O5 can weaken due to age and exposure to air. You can buy this many places far cheaper than what I hear Shor charges.

I am sorry I can not be of greater help, but if you are using Shor I would stop everything and read here as well as a good refining book like Hoke before continuing. This is one of the problems with Shor is that they keep you flying blind and addicted to them for overpriced, unnamed, chemicals.

Your absolutely right about Shor . I have been reading Hoke book and getting assist from others on this site. i appreciate your responce.


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