just curious about subzero method

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Active member
Jun 5, 2009
does anyone know if potassium nitrate(Chile Saltpetre)can be used as a substitute for sodium nitrate just a thought ive never done much research on it just wondering
thanks for any thoughts
Hello chrisp Potassium nitrate can work and dissolve gold with Hcl .any nitrate dissolve gold with Hcl such as nickel nitrate , copper nitrate .etc gold purity is depend on nitrate some nitrate contaminate the gold some loss the gold .

Potassium nitrate solubility in water 247 g/100mL (100 °C)

Sodium nitrate solubility in water 180 g/100mL (100 °C)

KNO3 solubility in water is high in high temperature solubility is low in low temperature than NaNO3.
chrisp said:
does anyone know if potassium nitrate(Chile Saltpetre)can be used as a substitute for sodium nitrate just a thought ive never done much research on it just wondering
thanks for any thoughts

Chile Saltpetre is the old name for sodium nitrate (occuring naturally in Chile) "Norwegian saltpetre" is calcium nitrate. Originally it was made in Norway from atmospheric nitrogen, since Norway had plenty of cheap hydroelectric power, and calcium was cheap in the form of lime.

(Calcium nitrate is a nice and cheap fertiliser, maybe it could be used too?)

For some reason, ammonium nitrate is sometimes (erroneously) referred to as Norwegian saltpetre too.

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