light green ar wont drop gold

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Active member
Jun 5, 2009
hi my name is chris, im new to the forum ive read how ar is voodoo for processors.i got the recipe for one of lazersteves posts for the poor mans ar.I used nitric (not sodium nitrate) and muratic, the first bach of ceramics went great!the 2nd not so smoothly, i had 3lbs of material most ceramic cpus,some of the pentium 3's (the ones i found out to have alot of iron content)pins and connectors(copper and brass base) one small curcit board out of a nortel network machine(5x2 some solder on it)i let the solution digest until all the cpus were in solution and most of the gold was off of the pins and connectors.i neutrilized with 1/2 cup urea NOTHING happened(at least that i could see)! i mixed with an equal amount of distilled water(does this have any affect on the solution) and added some smb, the solution turned from dark green to light green. i let sit for 30 mins and sifioned off the solution,there was NOTHING in the bottom. i wasted smb by puting 2 oz in solution(to try to get anything out), the next day there was a litte bit of whiteish grey/blue stuff that floated throughout the this the excess smb and does anyone have any ideas what went wrong (no fizz when i added urea)and how to get the gold out.any advice would be greatly appreciated!
I have discussed this issue until I'm blue in the face. It appears that no one listens.

Let me begin by saying that processing wastes directly with AR can, and does, work. It can be a viable process for you, or anyone else. The question is, is it in this case?

I would like to make it clear that I know and understand that AR can work----I used it directly under special circumstances, which are not normally encountered. There are other methods to approach refining, eliminating the problems of using AR when dealing with base metals.

So then, my intended comments.

Using AR for dissolving everything is simply not a good idea. There are two reasons why you should not do so, but there are also times when it is the answer to problems. Before making the decision to use that procedure, you should understand the ramifications of using it incorrectly-----otherwise you'll find yourself here on this forum asking for help, as you are now.

When you use AR, the resulting solution is heavily contaminated with anything that will dissolve. That results in considerable drag-down of base metals, contaminating the precipitated gold. While the gold is generally washed with acid before melting, not all of the contamination is removed.

The problem that is likely plaguing you is that you didn't dissolve everything that can. That means that when the level of acid dropped adequately, the base metals that remained started cementing your gold. I expect you have a barren solution, with the gold now mixed with the balance of the solids, and it may not resemble gold. It can, and most likely will, look like just dark brown to black sludge.

There is ample information on this board, as well as in Hoke's book, for you to know and understand that you should be using a testing solution at every turn. Stannous chloride is the eyes of the refiner. You can not refine successfully without the solution, for you can't know when solutions contain values, or not. I expect your pale green solution does not.

Gold in solution is yellow/orange, and when mixed with base metals can vary from dark green through brownish green. As I suggested, I think you'll find your gold is mixed with the solids you removed. When such solutions are tested with stannous chloride, you should get a purple to very dark purple (bordering on black, depending on concentration) reaction. If you don't get a reaction that is purple, or various shades of blue/green (palladium) or orange/brown (platinum), you don't have any values in solution.

What does your pale solution tell you when it's tested?

Start reading Hoke's book, and don't return to refining until you understand its contents. Don't take shortcuts. These tips will save you a lot of grief.

Welcome to the forum.

thanks harold, sorry to make you keep repeating your self about the ar method.ive read alot of posts about ar problems but i thought id give it a try with the pins and connectors since im still trying to work out the bugs with my sulfuric cell!so where do i find hokes book and when you say the gold is cemented do you mean its cemented to the undisolved pins and connectors?
thanks again
chrisp said:
so where do i find hokes book

It is offered as a download on this forum, although I do not have the link at hand. Regardless, I recommend you purchase a hard copy, even if you download. You can make the purchase here:

For the record, I am not affiliated in any way with the book, the sale of the book, or the seller. I reap no benefits aside from, perhaps, not having to answer the same questions time and again for folks that refuse to invest a dime in getting educated in the art of refining.

and when you say the gold is cemented do you mean its cemented to the undisolved pins and connectors?

That's correct. Mixing pins with CPU's, which may be properly run with AR, depending on the nature of the CPU, is an open invitation to problems that can easily be avoided.

It was less than wise to mix the items, due to the problem of cementing.

Please do NOT ignore my admonishment to use stannous chloride.

Hello chrisp free books is available in our forum download here

CW Ammen recovery and refining of precious metals

C.M. Hoke's book download here

and go to books section download many more books.
so ive tested the solution it was negitive.can anyone advise me on what to do next?i am able to get the copper out by using a piece of steel right?will the copper drag any other metals down with it?and where is the gold, i can see a little "black sludge" ,but not as much as there should be. the material (pins) has something like a tan shell on it , is this some of my gold?any ideas on where to go from here would be greatly appreciated! and thanks for the help thus far

Test a very small sample of the pins in 35% nitric and see if you have any solids left after the acid quits reacting. Any remaining solids should contain your precious metals.

Iron will cement everything below it in the Activity Series out of the solution. This includes copper and precious metals. I have posted an Activity Series chart on my website in the documents section.


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