My Au solution is dropping while on the hot pad

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I tested about 6-8 of them today and was able to view every thing I tried. I used Firefox 3.5.6 with the IETab add-on and I downloaded the new viewer for Firefox that Steve has links for on his site. Worked like a charm. Two days ago, I couldn't view anything.
IETab is a FF ad-on that allows you to temporarily use Internet Explorer for certain sites that only IE will work on. You can Google FF add ons to find it. However, maybe you don't need it since Steve added the new FF viewer. If FF is working for you now without it, I wouldn't add it. I'm going to disable it and try it without it. I have an old machine and FF add-ons can really bog it down.
I lost 1/2 tablespoon of gold powder to my crucible. I watched steve's video regarding preraration and I did that prior to first button. Surface looked shinny so I thought I was ok for second button. I tried to flake what I thought was gold but was black brittle ash: I presume fritterered borax

The crucible I used was from a cheap ebay set of four. I just ordered new ones from Steve. The Borax I used is Griffith by "Grobet USA."

Can someone please educate me.
First of all, you haven't lost your gold unless you threw the crucible away!
If you can, post a pic of it and of the box of borax you used, someone will help you get it back. Also tell us how you heated the powder and with what.

It would help if you explained what you did in detail. When you say you “lost a ½ teaspoon” it does not mean much, was it a powder from precipitate? Were you using a torch with a furnace like Steve sells or an open crucible/ melting dish, or an electric furnace. By lost to your crucible do you mean blown away or now the gold is part of the crucible/flux.

Here is a picture of one of my gold crucibles. It is a poor picture taken with my phone but it should show you well enough how a crucible should look if used for only fine gold with torch melting.


  • Fine gold crucible.jpg
    Fine gold crucible.jpg
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I used an open crucible and torch: identical to that used in Steve's video. I will get pictures up as soon as I figure out new phone I just purchased.

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