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metalfish AR

Well-known member
Feb 12, 2010
Me again...

I have a batch going that I used AR to refine and I used shor products (if you haven't seen my other posts) I precipitated it with storm precipitant which is shor's standard precipitant. It definitely tested positive for gold, took a while to drop but finally did. I tested it for gold content again before I decantered it to be sure and the liquid was gold free so I did the decanter and put HCL and water in it and put on the hot plate to start my rinsing per Harold's instructions that he had given me prior and now I have a completely clearish green liquid with no more "mud" at the bottom and the mud had a "sugary" appearance before it was heated but now it is gone and not testing positive for gold content.
Does it make a difference in testing when the solution is boiling hot? I wouldn't think so but want to make sure.
Is it possible to "burn" gold up? I have been told numerous times that "your gold isn't going anywhere" but this solution tested at a high level of gold content yesterday and earlier today.
I do not understand what happened.
Yes, I have read HOKE'S book, am reading it again for good measure and just really need some help. Thank you in advance for any help ANYONE can give me!
metalfish AR said:
Me again...

I have a batch going that I used AR to refine and I used shor products (if you haven't seen my other posts) I precipitated it with storm precipitant which is shor's standard precipitant. It definitely tested positive for gold, took a while to drop but finally did. I tested it for gold content again before I decantered it to be sure and the liquid was gold free so I did the decanter and put HCL and water in it and put on the hot plate to start my rinsing per Harold's instructions that he had given me prior and now I have a completely clearish green liquid with no more "mud" at the bottom and the mud had a "sugary" appearance before it was heated but now it is gone and not testing positive for gold content.
Does it make a difference in testing when the solution is boiling hot? I wouldn't think so but want to make sure.
Is it possible to "burn" gold up? I have been told numerous times that "your gold isn't going anywhere" but this solution tested at a high level of gold content yesterday and earlier today.
I do not understand what happened.
Yes, I have read HOKE'S book, am reading it again for good measure and just really need some help. Thank you in advance for any help ANYONE can give me!

Have you done a search on the forum for the process you are dealing with? Here are 2 searches for you to look thru.

Metalfish AR, please don't take this personal! You have 2 people teaching you, follow thier instructions and if you get in a bind stop and ask them please. You are dealing with a sytem that is not used a lot here. Johnny can look at stuff and tell you what to do Harold can do it with his eye shut and his hands tied behind his back you can't get any better help.

If you are working on a process and you make a post keep the post's together there is no need to start 5 or 6 threads about every single problem you are having with a process. It really makes things confusing to most people.

Harold or someone could you please combine this post with his others. Thanks.
I think you shouldn't use the Shor chemicals for now. Learn using what everybody here will know whats going on instead of guessing. I know the Shor stuff cost alot of money, but I think you should save it to experiment with once you know what you are doing better.
Yes, I understand. I used these chemicals since I had already bought a bunch of them.

Can someone please just at least answer one question for me?
Does gold register if you test the clear green solution boiling hot? It may sound like a stupid question, maybe not. Just seems that I keep asking questions and people don't seem to have the time to answer but have time to write me huge paragraphs on why they can't. Yes, I am getting help from Johnny but he is not at my beck and call and I don't want to call him up every time I have a question...I thought that was kinda what this website was for. I understand if you don't want to deal with me or answer me but if not then just don't answer at all.
I do understand also that people here do not use shor products much and I read the threads given to me by barren and see why.
Don't get me wrong, I truly appreciate all of you guys' help very much and hope to keep receiving it. I am just very frustrated right now!
You need to have patience with what ever process you use. You are probably not getting answers because nobody is sure what's going on because of the Shor chemicals.I know why you used the chemicals, I would want to use them as well. But I think you should learn with the basics, and you will get better answers to your questions.
I waited a long time until I started processing anything once I got here
on this forum. Steve's videos helped alot. And I did everything to a tee
and it worked just fine. Unfortunately Steve doesn't have a Shor video
and I doubt he ever will.
Its the same website I sent you to a couple of weeks ago.The one that you said you couldn't get into.Did you ever email steve to ask him why you couldn't access the videos?
A sugar like powder that dissolves in acid sounds like copper I chloride to me. Copper I chloride can be off-white to light gray.

Gold powder is dark brown to light tan colored. Gold in solution is yellow, orange or red, depending on the concentration. Green is a good indication of copper. Stannous can go bad and should be tested on a know sample of gold bearing solution as per Hoke.

Could you posts some more details about how you arrived at this points. I've several posts of yours and they all seem to start out with the last step and don't include any details about what you are processing, how much you are processing, and what steps you took to get to the dead end you are encountering.

How about you start at the beginning and explain what you did to get to this point. Start with the type of scrap and the amount you are processing. Next explain what you did to the scrap, etc.

We started off with mill spec pins and the quantity was 1lb and they had lots of base metal. My mixture was HCL and Subzero (shor product for nitric) I pulled the base metals out before the base metal was completely deteriorated instead of dissolving base metals first in HCL. I filtered, filtered and filtered the solution and it then showed a very high content of dissolved gold. A very light drop turned BLACK instantly and left gold residue on the plate. I then precipitated with storm precipitant (also from shor) 1/2 tbs per ounce dissolved metal. Let it sit overnight being warmed slightly, not HOT. It still tested extremely positive for gold and so I let it sit longer per some advise I got from barren realms, I believe. Finally the gold dropped but it had that sugary substance with brown going through it like I said before. Then taking the advise of Harold I started the rinsing process with HCL and water bringing to a boil, and now it has dissapeared and liquid showing no gold content at all. I stopped boiling and it started crystalizing on the bottom again and looks like the gold might be coming back, I dont know. I am very concerned with this situation so if you could help me in laymen's terms that would be great. I wont quit till I get this right!!! I'm not trying to be the new gold baron of the world or anything, just trying to get this right and maybe make a living doing this. I had a BAD injury a few years ago and life has been pretty difficult since with not being able to go back to my screening business. I would appreciate any help very very much! Thank you.
Nobody seems to be able or want to answer this simple ? for me.
Can I test for dissolved gold in boiling hot liquid? Will it give a proper register? I got a great register until I boiled it.

It got rid of the sandy, sugary substance on the bottom (boiling in HCL and water) that had brown substance through it which was the gold. After boiling it I dont know if the heat prevented the stannous chloride from giving me a proper register. I really appreciate your help in this matter.
One pound of mil-spec contacts won't give you much gold, between one to three grams depending on the quality of the contacts.

The storm precipitant should be the same thing as SMB, but I'm not 100% sure of that and for purposes of solving your problem I will assume it is not the same. If it is the same you should use no more then 2 grams of Storm per gram of dissolved gold. That would translate into 2-6 grams of SMB precipitant. If you have free nitric in the mix then a solution will require more SMB.

The sugar like crystals are likely excess precipitant or nitrate salt that is crystallizing out due to the lack of water in the reaction. If you see them again just add some water and stir until they dissolve.

The gold should form a fine sediment across the bottom of the reaction beaker. The color of this sediment should be between dark brown and light tan.

Here's how I would pursue your problem:

Evaporate the solution down to 25% of it's current volume ( salts may form during this process due to excess precipitant), but do not dry out the solution. Also do not boil the solution, instead slowly evaporate it.

When the solution is reduced to 1/4 of it's volume add in enough HCl to bring the volume up to twice the level it is after the evaporation. Repeat this process twice more (three times total). On the final evaporation cycle add tap water to the solution instead of HCl.

At this point if you still have the white, sugar-like crystals in the beaker, add just enough water to dissolve them. Some white particles are not water soluble and will need to be filtered out.

Next filter any remaining solids from the solution using a Charmin plug or glass frit and filter paper. The solution should be 100% transparent and free of sediment or cloudiness before you do anything else. The color of the solution should be light yellow to orange. A green color indicates copper contamination.

Finally, add in 2-6 grams of solid sodium meta-bisulfite, not the Storm Precipitant. Stir vigorously with a glass rod, within a few minutes the solution should cloud up with a dark brown color which will mostly settle in an hour or so. The cleaner the solution (yellow color), the faster the gold will settle. Green solutions will produce dirty gold that stays suspended longer and should be allowed to settle overnight.

Follow this advice and report back what you find. Do not short cut the process above. Perform every step as directed. If you observe something I did not mention, stop and post the results here.

metalfish AR said:
Nobody seems to be able or want to answer this simple ? for me.
Can I test for dissolved gold in boiling hot liquid? Will it give a proper register? I got a great register until I boiled it.

Stannous works on hot and cold solutions of gold. Stannous must be fresh or it will not indicate properly. When in doubt, make a fresh batch or test the current batch with a known gold standard solution.

I pulled the base metals out before the base metal was completely deteriorated

*EDIT*He pulled the undissolved material because it had the apprearance that the PM's had been digested already,and the only remaining solid product was undissolved base metals.

I filtered, filtered and filtered the solution and it then showed a very high content of dissolved gold. A very light drop turned BLACK instantly and left gold residue on the plate. I then precipitated with storm precipitant (also from shor) 1/2 tbs per ounce dissolved metal.

I explained that you need to neutralize the nitrates before you percipitate.

Let it sit overnight being warmed slightly, not HOT. It still tested extremely positive for gold and so I let it sit longer per some advise I got from barren realms, I believe. Finally the gold dropped but it had that sugary substance with brown going through it like I said before. Then taking the advise of Harold I started the rinsing process with HCL and water bringing to a boil, and now it has dissapeared and liquid showing no gold content at all.

What percipitated was base metals,more than likely due to the solution being heated overnight and concentrating it.Thats why everything dissolved into the Hcl and the solution tested negative.Gold is incapable of dissolving into 32%Hcl.

I stopped boiling and it started crystalizing on the bottom again and looks like the gold might be coming back, I dont know.

These are various salts self percipitating due to the evaporation and condensing of the solution.The easiest way to verify this is to decant,and add water.If they are indeed salts they will dissolve in the water.

just trying to get this right and maybe make a living doing this

I know your situation armando,and I understand where you are coming from,you've seen the scars.But I told you something the first day I was at your house,and I want to reiterate is extremely difficult to make a living at this,unless you are able to get your material for cheap or free.For almost every person on this forum,this is simply catagorized as a hobby that we are fortunate enough to make some extra money at.Even steve,with his unending knowledge of processing,has a regular job.And with the 1000's and 1000's of pounds of material I have,I still climb trees.And I've been doing this a while now.Listen brother,I feel for you I really do.I know what you are going through and I know what you are dreaming about...god knows I was there too.But getting this material free is almost unheard of,I am an exception to the rule.The only reason I was able to get as much material as I have for free,is because I have over 15 years worth of customers in every occupation known to man,and I am always talking about computers.And it doesn't hurt that I live next door to,NASA,Kennedy space center,rockwell collins,martin marietta,lockheed,united space alliance, get the idea.
The jewelry you are processing is worth a good amount,however if you keep buying it from ebay you will never make a significant profit,if you make a profit at all.The competition is so fierce that the profit margin is paper thin at best.
Ok vamp,my eyes are getting heavy.Im gonna go watch tv with hunter.I hope this helps you a lot.If I have said anything that sounded condescending or hurtful I am very sorry from the bottom of my heart.You are a super great guy,you just seem to be having an exceptionally hard time grasping this.

**EDIT** Sorry steve I had already written by the time you posted.
Thanks Johnny,

Yes I understand what you mean, I am right now in the middle of cordinating a big screen enclosure job right now so trust me...I am not counting on this as my bread and butter. I just got a different idea when your wife told my wife that this is how you guys are basically making your living right now. Oh well... I am a cross between a pit bull and an elephant, I dont give up and I never forget!!!! Thanks again for your help and hope you are having a great day.
Thank you steve so much, you have been so helpful. My wife and I go to bed kinda early so I just got your post this morning and am starting the process you suggested. I have some work going on today (unbelievable, some actual work to make some money!) so it will probably take me a while to get through it today. Thanks again, you have answered my questions perfectly!!!
Yes I understand what you mean, I am right now in the middle of cordinating a big screen enclosure job right now
Good to hear.I know you guys need the work pretty bad.Just wanted to pop in and said hey.
I just stopped by my house, haven't been able to mess with the gold yet per steve's instructions as I have a super busy day with work but I wanted to put this out there. I definitely am not using shor anymore. I have a basic idea of the chemicals I need but I wanted to see if I could get a "shopping list" of exactly the chemicals I need to buy to do this process the way everyone here does it (AR) so I am prepared. If Steve or someone could do this for me it would be very much appreciated. This way I can be on the same page as everyone here! Those chems are too expensive anyway. Thanks in advance
Quick question I need to know: After I have dissolved base metals in HCL how do I seperate the two? (from the gold) What is the best way of decantering that without losing my gold? Am I supposed to wait until the base metals are COMPLETELY dissolved? In other words, are the base metals supposed to dissapear or be completely gone or just reduced to an amount that it doesn't contaminate your gold in the AR solution too much?
Thanks again in advance :!:

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