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Mar 16, 2010
Hello good folks of GRF,

First off I should say I`ve read a good bit of most of the forums, & YES, I need to Fully read hokes book! But dagnabbits, I got perty "itchy" about getting the game started! I DO have a little more than a basics on chemistry, NOT a lot, I`ll admit that!!! But I do have a basic understanding of acids/bases....on to my experiments.

I started off w/clipping some pins off of 1 of my old cards & putting them in Hcl/cl, I really don`t think there was gold on the pins, the liquid turned green, which leads me to think copper. Not sure, but theres that info.
Next, I had 5 cards I was willing to cut the "fingers" off, using the same hcl/cl method. THAT has seemed to "flake/powder some of the gold :shock: , esespecially when heated. Now I`m more happy!

Ok, now lets go back in time some, I stopped past a classmates house a couple days before I signed up here, her husband went to showing me all the, I think the proper way you put it is E-scrap, anyway, he has picked up old `puters & i guess cell phones too on trash day. Anyway, he`s got a perty good stack of CPU`s, I`ve not went there yet. Hell, he`s got all these computers already took apart.....I Feel this is a good & a bad! He`s even took the plateers out of the hard drives but w/me not knowing the model & reading on here, theres not that much platnum, anyway, theres somemore of the

Ok, thats my experiments .....nope, he gave me more than 5 cards worth of "fingers", their st`n in hcl/cl now, swirl it around & you can see flakes!!!

Sooo, when I showed him what I got from my 5, he gave me the fingers that are sit`n now, 4 cpu`s & 4 platters. I AM working/learning in baby steps, hence the baby food jars that I`ve been using....theier perty tough.
I`ve made my own stan. cl., I don`t know how well, but used the sites instuctions. Next question I guess, My last experiment was nitric acid...thinking an AR would be my best bet for the 4 cpu`s?!? Now I`m thinking AP might not be bad???
Now I`ll explain my nitric,....I found a Utube where this `ol boy gives LaserSteve cudos, BUT I used POTTASIUM nitate, instead of(it was easier & handy)sodium. 100 mls water, 140 grm pot nitrate & 56 H2SO4.

I really don`t think my yield was very well....but OH well, first time....~40 ml

Well, any input/guidance which way I should go, for Damn sure on the cpu`s would be greatly appreciated!!!
Oh, & I`m gonna try pics.....


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You really need to stop your process and get a free copy of Hokes available for download here on the forum and read it before you do anything else. The HCL/CL will disolve your gold.
Ok I need to address a couple of points.First your yield will be extremely low with such a small amount of material.I would suggest you do not process any more until you have your quantities in pounds,not grams.The flakes that you currently have from the 5 fingers will almost be unnoticeable after being precipitated from auric chloride state.Simply meaning you have an incredibly small amount of gold there.I know it looks like a lot,but its not.
Second please check your spelling when on the forum.I know it sounds petty,but noone on here types in "text" or "instant message"style shorthand,and grammer is a direct reflection what you are trying to accomplish.One misspelled word here or there is not a big deal,but when a post is inundated with incorrect grammer,it only makes the reader strain to discover what it is you are trying to convey,and could ultimately result in you recieving wrong advice if missread.This may sound mean and cruel,but I promise,you do not want a certain member on here chiming in on your initial post.He will NOT be so kind.
So now that I've said that,welcome to the forum.I suggest you do considerable research on here before attempting to process anything else....especially if you are using HcL/Cl to dissolve the foils still on the fingers.
Here is the forum handbook.
Here Is a copy of Hokes it,study it.
One of us will be here to help you along your path.But if you read and study those to references then you should have no problem getting started the correct way.And above all SAFETY!
Gasman said:
Hello good folks of GRF,

First off I should say I`ve read a good bit of most of the forums, .....

No, you did NOT. Nobody is starting with HCl/Cl, that is just next step after AP and proper washing.

I noticed your yellow/green filter laying on table/board - you need to be carefull when dealing with acids mixed with oxidizers. You need to put them on some glass or plastic surface which can be cleaned afterwards. And as Johnny said you need to collect much more of bits and pieces if you want to see your button. As to your experiment with nitric - I will not touch things like that without proper set up, equipment. Your eyes, fingers, lungs are much more valuable than any amount of nitric...

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