nooby needs alittle info

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Feb 6, 2010
hi guys thanks for looking at my topic

been looking into this for awhile now and am starting to plan to get all the tools and equipment ill need to turn this sort of stuff into a full grown hobby....

but after finally gettin the idea into how to refine gold,i started to think how can i sell this gold that i make into little bars or little buttons lol

iv read that to be able to sell this gold you need to have it hallmarked and from that point iv come to a dead end...

the info am in need of is who can check my gold and say its 99.9% gold and can hallmark it so then i can sell?

i am from the uk so it will be uk based companys that am in need of

if anyone can point me in the right place id be very greatful
Killergibbo. Welcome to the forum can i ask what you intend to refine and the amount you hope to recover.In the electronics recovery side my advice would be to do just that and melt the foils,powders etc after recovery,depending where you are i can give you phone numbers to get assays done,if its carated scrap again dont bother, a melt and assay will get you on the gold content and i can point you in the right direction to sell the bars at close to spot.Refining to fine here in the UK is fairly pointless unless you do it for fun, you wont get anymore money unless you have huge volumes which again in bar form you can improve your deal so to me is a no brainer.
....because am a neewbie im finding it alittle hard to understand what u mean....yes am from the uk and am planning on refining cpu scrap and boards!!

what i wanted to know is once iv got my button or tiny little bar how can i prove to people that its real gold as i will want to sell it in the british army and im not in quite need for money just going to be a hobby something to do so i can get away from the wife lol

i want to refine gold and only something small like 3-4g for my first one would be nice lol

the reason i ask these questions is because iv seen peoples photo's on here and they have been stamped and such!

will i just need to take the selected gold to a assay company and go from there or will they not take it ?

how can you not refine to 99,9% gold my understanding is that it always comes into 99.9% gold in the am thinking maybe am wrong but maybe you add copper or something to make it less then 99.9% am i right............i really dont know alot yet and maybe make you all laugh but one day ill get there haha
Right you want to learn the basics first,Harold V tells everyone to read C.M.Hoke, its free as a download on here,thats your starting point,then use the search function here on the forum to learn as much as you can about methods and processes and where the values are. Then decide if the time,effort and expenses will justify the returns. There is no eldorado in refining its hard work and at times for little reward but it has the compensation that one day you will have a bar of gold that you refined and thats priceless.
To be honest until you have a reasonable amount of refined gold its not really worth assaying the material,the cheapest assay i can get for Au is £10 from Guardian Labs in Birmingham.If you do your homework and follow the processes that are detailed on here there is no reason you cant produce 999 fineness and do so consistently if that is your aim, but i dont see the financial reason to so if you wish to sell your metal as you wont get any more for that purity than for a bar at 90%, so why waste the time, effort or money.Your aim in my opinion should be to recover all the values possible hence my suggestion to research the recovery of electronic scrap here on the forum where the amount and types of metals in many chips fingers pins etc are easily available.
There are a couple of members that will test and purchase your gold.They have been refining longer than some of us have been alive,and are completely trustworthy.If you want names I can send you some.If you want refferences you can just ask the forum,and we can all vouch for them.
Thats a question that is best answered by you.
Checkout info in the Tutorial section of the forum.Read Hokes book, ,and make sure you check out Lazersteves website ,there are many videos and pdf files packed with information and helpful tips,and you can purchase most of the non-chemical supplies directly from him.
Hi, just had a look at your question, im quite new to the refing game myself but not to the gold trade. You can sell your metal to anyone that will buy as far as any law is concerned. But to be in with a shot you will need to have it stamped. to do this you must.
1. Pay 70.00 to become a member of an assay office.
2. Apply for your personnel logo. eg [AAco].( like you see on halmarks )
3. Apply for your punch set. Once you have your logo the assay office will charge you for a punch set with it on.
4. Fill in a Hallnote. ( a brief description, weight, purity etc )
5. Send your hallnote, logo punch set & gold to the assay office.

They can do it within 48 hours. And its not as expensive as you would think. We used to pay 36p a ring !
If your gonna do this, its worth the fees. An 100g bar of pure best yellow will fetch 4 figures these days. The buyer will want to see authenticity.
Well, the easiest way to to take a picture of your melted gold, and put it on ebay. All gold goes for over spot (that I have seen) and even when it looks like CR*P they still get over spot.
Alternately, make a hobby out of seperating the escrap, taking pics and selling that on ebay, once again, more value than content, no chemicals, etc.
Now, If you just want some gold, then the hobby is to refine the high grade parts, and still sell the rest on ebay.

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