Please help with my ore

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My name is George Gutierrez and i live in South Texas I have a couple of mines in mexico nothing big just recreational. I have a graviaty system. but I know i'am losing alot of micron gold. So my question is what is the best way to leach ore. #1 is a red ore containing gold, silver and PGM's this ore has been asseyed by a professinal lab and the #2 ore is mostly PGM's with gold and silver it also has been asseyed but I have not fooled with it. please let me know what is the best solution (AR) or what would work to leach and how to drop the metals. I have all types of chem's and neat labware but I don't know where to start. any help would be appriciated.

It is beyond the ability of most folks to dispense that kind of information, especially without knowing more details. Even then you may not receive viable input. Ores can be very complicated to process, and may well be beyond your capability.

Rarely can ore be processed with acids because the excessive consumption makes it a terrible economical proposition.

My limited experience in extracting values from ore supports the use of cyanide---which may, or may not, be suited to your particular application.

It might help for you to describe the ore, level of concentration and the nature of the values. Otherwise, there's not much to go on.

So is this the final answer on this ? I am personally asking the same question. I have ore and wanted to treat it in the least complicated way. Most of it would be crushed and I just want to get the final bits.
Unless you can describe the nature of the ore, a rough idea of what's in it, and what you can get or have access to for processing, yes this is the end of it.

Asking us how to refine an ore without giving specifications is like asking someone to buy a house without telling them how big it is, or where it's at. Sounds dumb now, doesn't it?

If either of you want help from the many knowledgeable people that frequent this site, then give us more details. We're not witchdoctors or soothsayers--we can't divine what's in your ore.

As an addendum to what Harold already mentioned: you need to concentrate the ore. You go after what is in the concentrates.
Lou said:
As an addendum to what Harold already mentioned: you need to concentrate the ore. You go after what is in the concentrates.

That is, unless you heap leach with cyanide. :wink:

There are likely hundreds of possible answers to a question as it has been presented. There isn't enough information provided to give even a hint of a reply. I liken such a question as one no different from "how big is a rock?"


You could crush the ore fine, then recover the values with mercury, assuming you have gold.

Is it a gold telluride :?:

Mercury won't work. :cry:

The slightest variation changes everything.

There are ores that require extensive research and experimentation by seasoned pros in order to deduct a satisfactory method of extracting values. It borders on the impossible for anyone to provide a viable process here with the scant information that has been provided. I would consider myself arrogant to attempt a solution, considering my limited knowledge.

No one is trying to be rude----you simply don't understand the nature of the problem. With more information, you may get an answer that might work, but I am in doubt that would be true.

coon007 said:

My name is George Gutierrez, and I have a couple of mines in mexico.
#1 is a red ore containing gold, silver and PGM's. This ore has been assayed by a professinal lab.

The #2 ore is mostly PGM's with gold and silver. It also has been assayed, but I have not fooled with it.

please let me know what is the best solution (AR) or what would work to leach, and how to drop the metals.
I have all types of chem's and neat labware but I don't know where to start. Any help would be appreciated.


Hello George.

For starters,

What were the results of the assay?
Is the ore an Oxide, Sulfide, Halide, or Borate, etc.?
What base metals does it contain?

The answers to these three questions contain "Critical Need to Know Information" for anyone wishing to help you with a leach process for your ore.

Further more, posting a photo of your ore would help.

I could probably answer (With some degree of accurracy) the second two questions by looking at a photo of your ore.

I personally would like to see a photo, or photo's of that "Red Ore" anyway.
I have a personal interest in that type of material.

The May, 2006 issue of "The International California Mining Journal" ( ) has an article on "Orko Silver Corp.", Which was starting up production in Mexico on a "Red Ore" in the city of "Durango", the Capital City of "Durango State".

This person may be able to provide some measure of assistance.
Karim Gandi by e-mail at: [email protected] ...

I hope that this has been of some assistance to you.

Sincerely; Rick. a.k.a. "The Rock Man"
The experts are correct George. It is vital to have technical info on your ores so that the experts maybe able to help you. Pictures of ore , assays , etc will give a rough idea on how best to process your precious metal ores. Pge's are complicated stuff which your technical info maybe able to simplify with the support of experts. An xrf scan of your ore will also help. Best of luck to you.

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