Precipitating. Which Method ?

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Feb 24, 2010
Hi, I am quite new to this kind of thing, I work for a large company that produces alkaline chemicals, aggrigate additives etc. I am cirtianly no chemistry expert, however I have a good solid knowledge of the subject. The company I work for disposes of around 40 p.c's 4 or 5 times a year.( due to it being the size of a small town ). I have been granted access to these p.c's before they leave for scrap.
Since around january I have been looking into and studying tha Aqua Regia method. I now have almost everything I need, from heating & crucible gear to urea & vaccum flasks. The problem Im having is completely grasping the precipitaion stage, I understand it, but there are a few different views on the ''reducing chemicals'' that should be used. ( its an important part, I would really like to be 100% clear on it, rather than sorry !!)
Basicly I would really appreciate some experianced advice on which reducing chemical to use being a begginer. Thanks.
Follow the Guided Tour Link below and you will get a complete background of the reactions.

Most escrap needs to be broken down, sorted and seperated by type
with some preliminary mechanical processing to get the easy stuff
first like the gold fingers from cards and memory, pulling CPU's, etc.
Read up about how each type of escrap needs to be processed.
Aqua regia is not the way to go for raw escrap. That is more for
"refining" your gold when it gets to the powder form.

Most folks here use AP or nitric acid to remove the base metals
depending on what type of escrap they are trying to process:
fingers, pins, CPU's, etc. Read up, study, be safe and have fun
while you are at it.

However, 50 PC's won't yield a lot of gold amigo. :shock:

But.......... a 2 or 3 gram button of gold is fun to hold. 8)

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