Pt/Pd recovery using electrolisys

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Well-known member
Nov 16, 2009
I read a lot about electrorefining gold and silver but I did not see anything about Pt/Pd/Rh (or I can not find it). Can you give me some links to read?
Butcher has it right.

PGM's are usually collected using silver or copper and concentrated by electrolytically refining the collector leaving the PGM's in the anode slimes.
Probably the refiners collect the mud and melt it but is it possible to do it with electrolysis?
GSP since it seems they do plate with PGM's,
shouldn't there be some possibility? I understand the almost impossible statement.
I may have spoken too soon and impossible is perhaps too strong a word.

If you look in the plating literature, you'll find very few formulations for PGMs and they all use very specific PGM compounds and solution make ups. I would think if you went to all the trouble to first separate the PGMs and then make the compounds needed, you could have already refined the metals. I doubt if you'll have any luck, at all, separating the PGMs electrolytically. There's always been a tendency for people to think they can just hook up a couple of electrodes to any combination of metals in any sort of electrolyte and get good results. I've never seen this work yet. Prove me wrong.
I revert to my original conclusion based on the original question. Electrorefining means the purification of a single metal by electrolytic means. If you have a solution containing Pt, Pd, and Rh, I would say that there are no one-shot electrolytic conditions that would allow you to refine (purify to a purity which is accepted internationally to be deemed as pure) any single one of these metals. I would say it is impossible.
goldsilverpro said:
I may have spoken too soon and impossible is perhaps too strong a word.
I doubt if you'll have any luck, at all, separating the PGMs electrolytically. There's always been a tendency for people to think they can just hook up a couple of electrodes to any combination of metals in any sort of electrolyte and get good results. I've never seen this work yet.

Therefore I ask first and after that I hook up 2 electrodes.

In my opinion, the electrolysis it the best way for separating gold/silver alloys and removing gold/silver plating. Therefore I am reading as much as I can when I can. Unfortunately, I still haven't found anything :(

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