question, Hokes book

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Active member
Jan 9, 2010
Im reading hokes book and Ive been going through the processes. I accidently dumped one of my nitric solutions into my stock pot. I am now reading about the stock pots and she said somthing about not having the nitric solution in it. What should I do? Should I add urea before I continue? This is the part where I use zinc in the crock pot.

Thank you
First of all if that is a metal stock pot you need to get the solution back into a glass container immediately!I will continue on another post
I wanted to get that response out as fast I could,now to the rest of your questions.
I am now reading about the stock pots and she said somthing about not having the nitric solution in it. What should I do? Should I add urea before I continue? This is the part where I use zinc in the crock pot.
First:Is this a "nitric" solution or AR.You should not be adding urea to a nitric solution.Urea is used to neutralize the nitrates(nitric) in AR.
Second:Why are you using zinc in the crock pot?What is your goal here,what are you trying to accomplish?
If I got this straight, you dumped a nitric solution in your stock pot. If that be the case, what you should do is nothing. aside from adding enough scrap metal to consume the acid. You can use scrap steel with perfect results. There is no harm, it just wastes resources.

I am of the opinion that you don't want to add nitrate solutions to your stock pot because you simply keep recycling base metals that are recovered by the cementation process achieved by the stock pot. That makes no sense. The only solutions that should end up in your stock pot are solutions that bear traces of values, such as platinum and/or palladium. Gold and silver can be totally recovered by other means, so there is no need to place them in the stock pot. However, if you find you have a solution with a trace of gold and don't prefer to process to completion, there's certainly no harm in adding it to the stock pot.


edit: I must confess, I just reread our post and it makes no sense. You talk about your stock pot, then fast forward to a crock pot. They are not one and the same. Which one is it?
I meant stock pot,,sorry. This is where i add zinc to bring down any pms that remain in the stock pot. In the beginning when I used the nitric to remove base metals, I put one of the nitric solutions in my stock pot. Now i'm reading and she is saying that there should be no nitric solution in the stock pot. I just wasn't sure what to do, If i understand correct, The best thing to do would be to just add base metals. Thank you for your post. I wasnt going to do anything until I received an answer.

In the beginning when I used the nitric to remove base metals,
If i understand correct, The best thing to do would be to just add base metals.
I wasnt going to do anything until I received an answer.
I believe the answer is need to read some more.
Are you "jumping" around in the book?It sounds like you are mixing several different proccesses here.I advise you to stop.Put a lid(loosely) on your solutions,and mark the containers as to what the contents are.Then I suggest you read more and do not touch those chemicals until you fully understand the process you are try to perform.It is vital that you understand what the procedures are,what their purpose is,and why you are performing them,before you jump into this.This way if something goes wrong(yet again) you will be able to understand what happened,and why.
Thank you Johnny,
I am not jumping around the book, I am reading each chapter in sequence at night. Doing the process in the morning If i have the pms and then reading the next chapter. Maybe I should have explained a little better and saying crock instead of stock didn't help.

I was simply on the chapter that was refering to my stock, and i remembered that I added the nitric solution to it after removing the silver. I have been reading a chapter at night then returning to the process in the morning. I have to admit, there is alot to obsorb here and I didn't want to do anything that was going to create more of a mess than what I have already done in the past.

I have a couple of buckets from i shore that i messed up set aside, Im not going to touch them until I do understand what Im doing.

Again thank you for your reply,
Yes Harold, you are correct we keep recycling. I added the nitric solution on accident. I just wasn't sure what to do about it. In the chapter I am reading, she talks about returning to the stock and she says there should be no nitric in the solution so i didn't want to go any further because i knew I added the nitric to it in error.

Thank you
Can you please define what chapter you are on or what page?
I think that will give us a better understanding of where you are and how to help you at this stage.

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