Scared first batch of foils

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May 28, 2008
I have read and watched videos until my head hurts. I have obtained the foils using AP. Now I have seen/read different ways from there. And I am bamboozled on what would be the best step from here :(

The above link is Lazersteves web site. I would advise you to watch the basic videos and possibly purchase his Dvd's on processing. I have and still am learning from him avery time.

Good Luck....Jack
Your foils look very dark. Maybe it's the photo, maybe they are dirty.

Next step is to wash them in HCl until the HCl no longer turns blue green or darker. After this wash them in water three times.

Watch the HCl-Cl videos on my site and dissolve them.

Finally filter and precipitate the gold with SMB.

Thank you both! It is a dark photo. I have watched Steves videos and read/reread the forums everyone has a different way it seems and this batch if it yields much can make a difference to me right now.