seperating copper from gold

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metalfish AR

Well-known member
Feb 12, 2010
Can someone please tell me how to seperate the copper from the gold? For that matter, how do you seperate any metals other than gold from your gold once your done with the AR and precipitation is complete. Does an acid wash remove any remaining copper or other contaminants left in your mud? Thanks in advance for any help anyone can give me.
You should be eliminating the copper before you go to the AR process.
That depends on what you are processing I guess, so you should say what you are processing and how, to get a better answer.
metalfish AR said:
Can someone please tell me how to seperate the copper from the gold? For that matter, how do you seperate any metals other than gold from your gold once your done with the AR and precipitation is complete. Does an acid wash remove any remaining copper or other contaminants left in your mud? Thanks in advance for any help anyone can give me.

Believe it or not I just posted a step by step process on this very subject today, and strangely enough it's only one post over from this one:

Cleaning and Drying Gold

I am done with your website, it is a complete joke. You people are incredibely rude on this website and act like your out to help people...

you come to my house and compliment me on how beautiful my wife is and do nothing but nonstop stare and talk to her with your wife sitting right next to you?I ask you to come outside with me (since your at my house to "help" me, basically inviting yourself here) and you say "no, it is prettier in here" how rude to your own wife that was, not to mention myself and my wife. Your a joke, I believe you came to my house to see what I had going on and were basically no help at all. Then, since everyone on this forum thought I was getting "personalized" help from you, nobody wanted to help me any further. To everyone on this forum, let this be a glimpse into what kind of a "man" this Johnny is. By the way, without any help from here I just got a great yield of a troy ounce all by meself. Dont bother responding, as your screen name says "LEAVE ME ALONE" I will no longer need nor pay any attention to this rediculous website in which nobody gives a straight answer for anything. Thanks for all your "help" which was NOTHING. I'll be sure to tell my friends about your great site. For the people who did give us some good advise like Harold and Jim...thanks very much, you were one of the few who were very helpful.
By the way, I see why you were kicked off this website twice before, your rude and have no class. Money cant buy it unfortunately.

I hope you were not offended by my reply as I was only trying to point out that I had just answered the cleanup portion of your question in an adjacent post, perhaps you misread my meaning in the post and it was the straw that broke the camels back for you, sorry if that is indeed the case.

Oh no, Steve...sorry for the misunderstanding...that was not directed towards you at all. I honestly wasn't even going to even check if there were any replies but I thought about it and didn't want to offend anyone that actually did try to help me, like you.
That was directly meant for Johnny (leavemealone) You don't even understand how disrespectful this man was when he came to my home after inviting himself over one day after meeting him over the phone. His wife was sitting right next to him and he nonstop flirted with my wife. He was supposed to come over to help me out and, like I said before, I asked him to come outside where we had our stuff set up and his reply was "no, thanks, it is much prettier in here" Steve, you should have seen the guy's poor wife's face while they were sitting at my table and he was just nonstop staring and flirting with mine right in front of her! Then, everyone on the forum thought I was getting personalized hands on help from him, which I was not, so nobody would really answer my questions for the most part and kept telling me that "since I was getting personalized help from Johnny that I should just go to him for all my questions" which was very frustrating because nobody knows everything and I really needed input from every educated person on here, thats all. Let me tell you, Johnny refers to you as a personal friend so I dont know how well you actually know him but he does not really seem like a very well intentioned person. Like I said before, it seemed like he really just came over to see what kind of setup I had going on because I really received pretty much no help from him at all other than how to make stannous chloride!! I know this site isnt meant for personal attacks or anything like that, but after the rude comment he left, then quickly deleted (but I did get a chance to read it before he deleted it) it just upset me and yes, it was the straw that broke the camels back as far as he goes. I notice his posts on here where he can get quite offensive to people ane rude and I am just over it. We are nice people who were just having a hard time grasping this and needed help. No hard feelings against you or any of the others that truly did try and help me but I just cannot deal with that guy and his sarcasm any longer. I regret letting the guy know where I live. Learned my lesson on meeting people online and then meeting up with them in person. God bless you and all the other nice people on here and no hard feelings. Thanks for the reply, I appreciate it and the help you have given me.
Steve please don't think that he is upset at you.He is upset because I refused to help him anymore.
I had written a long response.But I do not need to defend myself.You told me you were in orlando and you noticed I was in cocoa.
I did what I thought was right.I only wish I had all the money in gas,glass,chemicals,and time that I gave to you.Everyone here tried repeatedly to help you.I understand your frusteration,but I warned you that if you did not read the links I sent you(hoke and the handbook),that you would have nothing but troubles.Many others told you the same thing.You need to reread this post!

I know I do not have to explain myself to you guys,most of you have known me for years,but I am highly insulted at his ignorance and immaturity.
My daughter said she could not figure out if they were on drugs,or if they needed to be on drugs.
I try to help and assist as many people as I can,but just like on ebay,sometimes it doesn't matter what you do,you will never be able to make some people happy.I refuse to hold your hand and walk you through every step in a process,and I sure as heck am not going to do it myself.I gave you the proper tools to do it yourself,and you spat in my face.
Oh one more thing,you and I both know the truth about what your girlfriend looks like( I was trying to be nice,believe me,my wife was not jealous over anything I said),and we both know where that 1 ounce nugget came from so don't try to say you made it.
P.S.Yes my original account was deleted several years ago for saying things I should not have said.But I have apologized to that person multiple times,the last time was feb.11 2010.He and I are very good friends now,because I learned from my mistake.
Ok, this thing has gone far enough. There will be no further washing of dirty laundry.

Johnny, it's time to leave this alone.

Metalfish AR, you will be well served to remain on the board. These issues will pass, and you will find the support you may need.

Do take heed and read Hoke------it, alone, can get you on your feet without outside assistance. In that case, the board will be yet another resource, where you can share your knowledge and gain from others.

All---be well, and let this thing die.

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