Silver in silver cell

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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2009
San Diego Ca
I have about 80 oz of silver contacts from the 60' ans 70's. I melted them down into 6 to 8oz ingots back then to make them easier to keep and handle.

I finished processing the first one last week and ended up with 4.1 oz from a 7.2 oz ingot. From this the silver content is about 60%. I had a hard time dissolving the corn flakes in the nitric. There was a small amount of blackish/grayish residue left after the silver finally dissolved. I have not yet looked at this for possible PMs.

My question is can these ingots be run through a silver cell as they are with out being processed in Nitric and then cementing out with copper first. I still have the nitric solution setting aside for later processing to see what other PMs may be present. I have read that you can process sterling silver through the cell with no problems.


A 60% silver content is too low to praticably run in a silver cell.. The limit is about 90%. You could, I guess, have 2 cells and run the silver twice. Or, you might be able to run the silver through the cell, remelt the silver, make up a fresh solution, and run the silver a second time. Or, if you have a big enough cell and a small amount of silver, you could run it just one time.

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