Sodium Nitrate Solution with water SGS SGS

Gold Refining Forum

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Jun 20, 2009
KNOXX What a Great Laser Steve forum er .

If i make Sodium Nitrate solution with water and store them in bottle what is happen on sodium nitrate . is sodium nitrate solution react with air or blast the bottle or any other.IS sodium nitrate is good or nitric acid is good for aqua regia .IS sodium nitrate aqua regia react with metals very quickly or nitric acid aqua regia. enough here .please tell me my question,s answer and get 1st prize in gold refining.

Because i am very busy on gold refining and i have no time for reading please tell me my question,s answer . and my policy is that waste your time not my own.

SGS means save goldenking soul Second time

only quicker persons can SGS SGS SGS
goldenking said:
please tell me my question,s answer and get 1st prize in gold refining.

Because i am very busy on gold refining and i have no time for reading please tell me my question,s answer . and my policy is that waste your time not my own.

Unfortunately for you, that's the kind of thing I don't like to read...

I am not helping you if you don't help yourself first.

I'm beginning to believe that you truly are from the moon. Can't you buy nitric there?

If you don't have time to search the forum for answers, I don't have time to help you. I hope that no one else helps you unless you change your s*** attitude.
How about banning this dude? He's taking up valuable time and appears to have less than common sense. I won't give him the time of day, and have no intentions of doing so.

I will add my agreement to that suggestion. He is one annoying individual and I believe he is mocking our forum with his inanities.
Just my thoughts.

ED :x
Gee and I felt poorly about berating him after one of moon boys earliest posts.
I guess I was right?

Perhaps the moderators should do like Jean Luc Picard and "Make it so"
by making a minimum requirement for forum membership to be an
inhabitant of the Earth and not the moon. 8)
i already know that you will give me this types of answers .... it is not your fault it is my fate .No body love me and no like to give me simple answer ... i am not ask a rocket science ..............

You failed as a comedian. You suceeded in insulting many people.
If you would like to suceed in refining I suggest you retire your comedian attitude, and take things serious, as they are.
A little bit of manners couldn't hurt either. I hope you take all
the advise you have been given and stick around to learn.
If not look for the "tryin to be a comedian forum", they might like
your attempts at humor. I have been ignoring you up till now, like
I am sure others have been, but I agree that if you don't change
the attitude you should banned and forced to find another hobby.
I feel so for goldking. He obviously has a mental problem. Nobody and their right mind would respond as he does. I pity him, but not enough to allow him to continue to post on this great forum.

Unless he grows up, which I doubt he has the capacity to do on his own, he is doomed to a life of pity. So sad!
The new software extends capabilities to the moderators, apparently including the capacity to ban readers. The question I can't answer is if my filing the request is automatic, or not, but I have exercised the banishment. If he continues to post, it will require Noxx to take action. I've had it with his moronic, mocking responses. He has no business on this forum, nor do wise guys that don't have respect for those of us that have dedicated so much of our time trying to be helpful, with no prospects of ever being repaid. In my case, seeing others succeed is payment enough. I can't speak for others, but I give my time gladly, but demand a little respect in return.

I have all the patience in the world to help folks that are struggling, and can post the same tired information endlessly, as long as I know I'm helping folks that are eager to learn. I don't have one damned second I'm willing to waste on a smart ass that can't (or won't) grow up.

Hi all,

Not defending anyone, as his attitude from his posts says a lot. LOL

But I question whether he was refering to makeing nitric acid with nitrates, or if he was trying to find out about the "Nitrate Leaching an Alternative to Nitric Acid" which I believe was also posted on another topic.

I believe most knowledgeable members disagreed with this method. I think it was originally posted on action mining's website.

Sorry to get off topic. Just came to mind when rereading this post.


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