The stock pot or not ??????

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I've been using a three vessel set-up for the past year. Vessel 1 is for non halide waste, vessel 2 for halide waste and vessel 3 for iron/Copper cementation. The angle dust is much easier to process. My refining process follows removal of base metals with nitric first and cementation of the filtrate on the benchtop to recover the bulk before going to the non-halide vessel. The Halide vessel is also used for my sulphate waste. As a passing note, I've added a few Kg of plated junk I've wound-up with into this vessel along with copper plates as a year long experiment with the hypothesis that everything should dissolve leaving only elements less reactive than copper.
I remember in the mid eighties emptying my first waste pre-treatment setup that had the equivalent settling as a drum #1, the accumulation was from over a year of a very busy refining schedule. When I saw the white chloride accumulation with swirls of gold the radio was playing a relatively new and popular song by Dire Straits called Money for nothing. Since then I always associated the two. Drum # 1 was Money for nothing!
How many 1000 litres are we at now mate :oops:

I don't know about now but when I was over there for our get together it was like five or six 1000 liter (250 gallon) totes :oops:

That was like 3 or 4 years ago

But then on a personal note --- been there done that ;);)

Even with a waste cleanup system set up like described by 4metals waste treatment can soon become the "elephant" in the room 🤣🤣;);)

I never knew that. Do you have a reference?
Which certificates are involved with the trade in this exotic metal? Can the simple working guy in europe obtain them, make them or trade them?
Is it another crypto currency bubble?
Are crypto share holders being 'compensated' for losses with ultra fine copper and aluminum powder?We do get offers for it lately.
Like with the copper, i suspect there is no actual market for it. I think it's a bubble created to prevent complete collapse of that fictional money. Or its tge latest scam for gullable investors looking tor fast profits. So now investors are suck with it trying to sell it anywhere for 'any price'(still rediculously high)? Because they got scammed and are trying to minimize losses?

I wonder what does ultra fine gold powder sell for if you can multiply the value of copper and aluminum by thousands? I have a jar full of precipitated ultra fine high purity gold powder. 10.000 euro per microgram. Anyone?

Forgive me my sceptism, but this sounds like total BS.
excluding shitcoins crypto/bitcoin outperformed anything i seen last 15 years.... any nuclear power plant or nasa pays around 20000$ for one kg of aluminium, then wonder why space exploration is utter shit. i met bitcoin when it was 60$ now it 70000 so you puking words at most. your investors are retars without patience that invested in shicoins.
You ***** didnt actually work a day in your lives. You should sweat and bleed at same time and keep on it, its life, you soft.

Moderator edited out profanities.
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excluding shitcoins crypto/bitcoin outperformed anything i seen last 15 years.... any nuclear power plant or nasa pays around 20000$ for one kg of aluminium, then wonder why space exploration is utter shit. i met bitcoin when it was 60$ now it 70000 so you puking words at most. your investors are retars without patience that invested in shicoins.
You mofos didnt actually work a day in your lives. You should sweat and bleed at same time and keep on it, its life, you soft.
Andu, this is not an acceptable language in here.
One more outburst like this and you will earn a vacation.
im sorts of surprised it went thru :))
Everything goes through and it's up to the mods to catch it. If you know it's not acceptable why do it? You show no respect for any of the mods, all of whom would rather spend time talking refining than censoring replies from members who should know better!
We keep forgetting that ultra pure aluminium sells for thousands a kilo and that many people break their backs at work for 50 eur for a whole day IN europe. Besides, aluminium chloride which is used in spray deodorant sells for 50 a kilo.
As previously said!
Unless you have the facilities and documentation capabilities this is moot.
It will be payed as scrap.

Edited one letter.
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excluding shitcoins crypto/bitcoin outperformed anything i seen last 15 years.... any nuclear power plant or nasa pays around 20000$ for one kg of aluminium, then wonder why space exploration is utter shit. i met bitcoin when it was 60$ now it 70000 so you puking words at most. your investors are retars without patience that invested in shicoins.
You ***** didnt actually work a day in your lives. You should sweat and bleed at same time and keep on it, its life, you soft.

Moderator edited out profanities.
Well that reply tells us a lot more about you than about me.
I'm not not going into detail and destroy you completely on that piece of filth you wrote there, but treat you with the respect I think we all deserve.

My point was, you connect high end aluminum to low wage workers in Europe... how can a low wage worker benefit from something that's shut tight with certificates and purity guarantees? If you can not explain in a civilized way, please don't bother replying.

Did you know there is an entire planet made of solid diamond, but we can't go over there, we can't bring it here, and even if we could it would make diamond instantly worthless.
So theoretically and populistically you are somewhat right, but it's not realistic at all.

FYI: I have worked every day of my life since I was young and still was going to school in very different jobs, of which many would consider to low or dirty for them to do.
I have a very strong BS filter and I am cynical and critical to big NGO's and such, sometimes way off with my suspicions, but sometimes right on the mark from the first time. We can discuss all points of view here, with respect.

You don't know me, but you judge none the less, accompanied by profanities. which is a sign of..., well something else than intelligence. You have dropped to the bottom of my list of respectable persons and you now are one click away from the ignore button.

i am fully aware, it is truth tho, im sorts of surprised it went thru :))
Even worse!!
People are responsible for their own actions. First think, then do.

Hat's off, Sir.
excluding shitcoins crypto/bitcoin outperformed anything i seen last 15 years.... any nuclear power plant or nasa pays around 20000$ for one kg of aluminium, then wonder why space exploration is utter shit. i met bitcoin when it was 60$ now it 70000 so you puking words at most. your investors are retars without patience that invested in shicoins.
You ***** didnt actually work a day in your lives. You should sweat and bleed at same time and keep on it, its life, you soft.

Moderator edited out profanities.
actually, when people start swearing and cursing and attacking you personally after saying something, you are probably right...

As I saw this after i wrote my reply: "Moderator edited out profanities." meaning you really went all out, and Yggdrasil covered your filth.

Bye. Martijn out. For you. Keep talking from the rear end sir. It will take you to great places for sure.
I've been using a three vessel set-up for the past year. Vessel 1 is for non halide waste, vessel 2 for halide waste and vessel 3 for iron/Copper cementation. The angle dust is much easier to process. My refining process follows removal of base metals with nitric first and cementation of the filtrate on the benchtop to recover the bulk before going to the non-halide vessel. The Halide vessel is also used for my sulphate waste. As a passing note, I've added a few Kg of plated junk I've wound-up with into this vessel along with copper plates as a year long experiment with the hypothesis that everything should dissolve leaving only elements less reactive than copper.
How is the plated materials in the stock pot coming along ?
I would like to ask about the halide containers , what waste goes in there ?

P.S a container ( barrel ,bucket, etc) of conac would be ok with me I would happily clean out space in the garage for it.
Well that reply tells us a lot more about you than about me.
I'm not not going into detail and destroy you completely on that piece of filth you wrote there, but treat you with the respect I think we all deserve.

My point was, you connect high end aluminum to low wage workers in Europe... how can a low wage worker benefit from something that's shut tight with certificates and purity guarantees? If you can not explain in a civilized way, please don't bother replying.

Did you know there is an entire planet made of solid diamond, but we can't go over there, we can't bring it here, and even if we could it would make diamond instantly worthless.
So theoretically and populistically you are somewhat right, but it's not realistic at all.

FYI: I have worked every day of my life since I was young and still was going to school in very different jobs, of which many would consider to low or dirty for them to do.
I have a very strong BS filter and I am cynical and critical to big NGO's and such, sometimes way off with my suspicions, but sometimes right on the mark from the first time. We can discuss all points of view here, with respect.

You don't know me, but you judge none the less, accompanied by profanities. which is a sign of..., well something else than intelligence. You have dropped to the bottom of my list of respectable persons and you now are one click away from the ignore button.

Even worse!!
People are responsible for their own actions. First think, then do.

Hat's off, Sir.
After reading things like this I get introspective , I came up in a construction background and feel like I use profanity ( adjectives , verbs , nouns , pronouns , etc) more now than when I first started .in the trade .
I should I need to work on toning that down .
Ok enough about that

I honestly have to get better with my stockpot methods or procedures.
I sure could use pointers .this has been my method with one container
Pros with one all in one container of copper ( 1st container ) requires less space .
Cons : the mixture of silver chloride and PMGs , I like this method to recover pmg weak sulfur acid and iron to remove the silver . Filter, rinse run thought a cell.
Now recently I had started separating the silver chloride better and the gold refining waste goes into a seperate container also . So I end up w/ all these containers of waste . I really feel like just going back to one container. Really don’t process that much gold , just silver at this point.
PMG’s other that silver had been pushed down the waste stream in filters from cells and papers, bear with me just a few more things..
My copper nitrate waste I have stated reducing and reusing .
I put copper sulphate cell solution in the copper container ( first waste container)
Was this a bad idea ?
I bought a spot plate yesterday have to order DMG next .
It’s it possible for you guys to show off your hoods and scrubbers , I have to build my hood this summer please ?
