tin in solution.

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Active member
Aug 22, 2008
Sacramento, CA
Hi All,

I started refining some gold in a jar about two weeks ago. but I got sick with the flu and left the gold in solution the whole time. The problem is that I set the metal lid on the jar during that time. When I went out to check it, the solution had dissolved the lid into the jar contaminating my solution. How do I go about getting rid of all the tin in it? This was a pretty fair amout of gold I dont want to lose. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Tin as in elemental tin? (Hard to imagine a lid of actual tin.)

Or a plastic lined steel food jar lid?

What was the solution you were using, and on what form of material?
make sure it's denoxxed and acidic with Hcl, filter it, and try to precipitate as normal, you may not have as much tin as Iron from lid, ferrous sulfate would be my choice, it is easy to make with Iron and sulfuric diluted, there are posts on how to make it. if all else fails there is alway's cementing it out with copper buss bar.
Be certain No solid base metals remain before you filter.

If you were using HCL/CL you may need to add a bit more and warm it up to get all that will dissolve into solution. You don't want to lose any cemented values in the filter.

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