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I know you veterans out there would probably say no, but i will give you my circumstances. I am currently a college student living in a house with roommates below me. I have a very small yard and not really enough room to be stripping down fingers with AP solutions. Currently i have been saving up computer scrap and scrap jewelry for about 2 years but have never had time to refine it. Would be purchasing this product a smart idea. The product is from shorinternational. Here is a link to the product. Tell me what you guys think. Just thought i would get some advice from people who know more than me.
Type shor into the search box window and press search. I got 236 hits. Save your money!
Do these things really produce ZERO fumes and ZERO odours?

I know they are expensive and i have heard that their Support Dept is not so good
but for someone living in confined quarters with no backyard to speak of, maybe these
are the only way to go if a person wanted to refine karat Gold.

Then again, maybe they should just find a new hobby instead :?:


Take a look at this from Pawnbroker Bob. It really works and all you need is an aspirator to make it work. As far as doing this in an area that is like your home, remember the acid fumes attack any metal and make it rust. Outside or in a shed or garage work but you need to exercise reasonable caution.

Good luck.

Dick B
(298.35 KiB) Downloaded 99 times
Hi Dick b

I wasnt thinking about myself, i have a large backyard plus 1.5 acres of scrubland to play with.
Any fumes i produce are well away from people and animals.

I was just wondering if these simplicity cells by Shor can actually be run indoors without any fume control.
Has anyone actually run one?

Just curios, that's all.


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